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We reviewed 100 studies about little kids and screens. Here are 4 ways to help your child use them well.
  • The best decision we did was skip TV to instead play video games together. We sit down as a family and my son plays Dinkum and Farm Together and Untitled Goose Game, real easy ones.

    He asks us questions and wants to read the text and learns the game mechanics and has ideas that are fun to watch develop.

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    I don't get how people can become depressed, when we live in the century of Fentanyl, easy access to alcohol and amusement arcades.
  • Honestly though hallucinogens really need to be more mainstream. Acid completely changed my outlook on life and give me a perspective of life and myself I would never have gotten through therapy or any other depression suppressants.

    It's also cheap as balls if you find a good plug. 10 bucks for an all day ticket is wild you just have to be with someone you trust with your life who won't fuck with you.

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    "Kids these days" by Extra Fabulous Comics
  • Friendly suggestion to anyone reading this that many of your favorite artists are on SoundCloud and other platforms: it costs nothing to send them a message to say you love their music.

    Direct platforms like bandcamp also make it feel so good to know most of every dollar is heading their way.

  • Merry Christmas you filthy animals


    It was my fault for thinking any of it was real

    I will not buy an RTX989465456 SUPER PLUS
  • You boot up your computer, you spend thousands over the course of 10 years to keep it up to date and worked hard in your career to be able to afford the hardware to play games on beautiful settings. It hums and the sound of the fans is a satisfying one that quickly fades when you open steam.

    Your friends are all online but nobody ever seems to actually be, statuses from always on computers and cell phones giving way to fake signals and hope. Realizing it's just going to be you it's time to look through the diner menu that is steam. You scan your games and realize there's nothing that really speaks to you so you open a new one you've been trying to make time for. 10 minutes into the game and interacting with the game you think to yourself how this wasn't what you wanted and you save and again look through the menu.

    You play ComfortGame, one you're intimately familiar with to get a feeling of satisfaction doing well on something familiar. At first it feels warm and fuzzy like a deep nostalgia but that too fades and you realize it's the same game you've always played: the disappointment hits you like frozen pizza.

    You pause the game and look at the things you wanted to play and you realize that what you were looking for in the first place was a sense of belonging and favor in a world not your own you so desperately wish to wash from your mind. Then the true realization: it will not come. You've spent so much of your time trying to make it happen that you lost all the parts of you along the way that made it fun in the first place.

    I guess what I'm trying to say here in a roundabout way is I just really hate sauerkraut.

  • Could you please? Please won't you be my neighbor? Neighbor and friend?


    We are simply clawing at the walls of the pit


    Human rights are edgy now

    [Daily thread] How are you doing today?
  • It's good to hear some people having a reasonable experience. When I moved to a new city I didn't know anyone so I used Tinder to go on as many dates as possible and it was honestly nice getting out and meeting people I otherwise wouldn't have at places I certainly did not know. Some weird stories mixed in but what is life without a few.

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    [Daily thread] How are you doing today?
  • What is tinder like these days if you don't mind divulging? I met my wife on Tinder (~2015) and while I'm ever-grateful I've heard horror stories from my friends about what it's become.

  • Hee-haw


    Petition for a weekly check in thread

    Hey all I know that our little corner of the internet is a small one but I've honestly loved the conversations and having some sort of "check in Wednesday" or something like that I think a lot of us could benefit from.

    I don't really know what goes into that but I was hoping people might feel the same way.


    I hope y'all are able to experience it some day


    And the sea swallowed our boat into reality


    every day I check my email for the tangible confirmation that I am a failure


    I'm ok with knowing I won't be


    Recurring déjà vu


    Sentient shitpost


    Can't feel won't feel


    Be safe out there getting help: too many devils in the garb


    Words are so easy


    I'm glad you're here
