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‘Missing’ GOP congresswoman not seen for six months finally found living at dementia care home
  • Who's been doing her job since then? There is no way that can be legal. I'd bet the farm the same thing is happening to Mitch McConnell. No way that old bag of dust and bones is competent enough to do his job.

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    New York Cop Back on Duty Earning Six Figures After Permanently Injuring Toddler in Suspected DUI Crash: 'No Remorse'
  • Some people are pure evil. David Mascarella is one of those people rotten to the core, as evil as can be. No remorse, no jail time, leaving the scene to escape a breathalyzer test. I don't trust him behind the wheel of a vehicle and I didn't not trust him to be an honest good member of society. He need jail for life. If this guy is on the police force you can't trust the force.

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    They live in their own world
  • she wants Chinese factory ideology to infest the USA. those locked in factories where you have to work 12+ hours aday. thats her ideal America.
