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Is there a safe way to run multiple desktop environments on Ubuntu 22.04?
  • Have you considered doing stupid shit and used Bedrock Linux?

    It's great, but it's still baking

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    What are in your opinion "essential" android apps that aren't as popular/talked about?
  • Unlauncher changed my life and helped me break my addiction to my phone by using monochrome home screen with no icons so I didn't get dopamine hits when I looked at my screen to open an app.

    Tasker is wonderful for automating tasks

    KLWP is great if you want to go full custom with your Homescreen and Lockscreen, allowing you to generate custom interactive live wallpapers which can act as a dashboard or as a launcher

    For anyone who lives in Houston Texas or the surrounding area, Space City Weather is a phenomenal no bullshit, no ads, just weather app.

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    Recommend Me: a wireless game controller
  • Dualshock 4 is great.

    If you're not gonna use it often and want a cheaper one, the Logitech F710 (wireless version of the f310) is great, just don't use it for your submarines

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    Is there a safe way to run multiple desktop environments on Ubuntu 22.04?
  • Install the DEs manually instead of from metapackages so ,out don't end up with their entire software suites being installed. Additionally, probably use Debian instead of Ubuntu if you're gonna be doing stuff like that, less fingers in the pie make for an easier tinkering experience.

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    What brought you to Lemmy?
  • Reddit's recent API changes making it difficult to moderate the communities I was in charge of was the final straw for me. Tbh I'm surprised the racism, transphobia, and rampant sinophobia didn't scare me away sooner.

    I'm digging hexbear and the lemmyverse, y'all are cool as fuck... mostly.

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    How to reallocate disk space?
  • Try gparted on a liveUSB, you don't wanna modify the partitions you're actively using because it can(read: will) result in data loss.

    If you're willing to spend a little bit of time on it and actually know what's happening behind the scenes, read the man-pages for fdisk and do it manually from a TTY, but for cereal, use a liveUSB and ffs do NOT mount the filesystems first

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    Why do you use firefox?
  • Icecat takes too long to compile

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    Calls for Starbucks boycott grow amid aggressive union-busting activities
  • Been boycotting Starbucks for years, ever since they showed their workers how little they care by giving them a meditation app instead of reasonable work expectations.

    Still can't believe I wasted 4 years of my life working for that shithouse

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  • It's funny, but why?

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    Capitalism Stockholm Syndrome
  • Quite a few of the unhoused folks in my area must be bourgeois by that logic

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    Should I give Arch a shot?
  • So, the big thing with instability is that with Linux "Unstable" refers to "Constantly receiving updates" rather than "Breaks all the time"

    In my experience, if arch breaks, 99% of the time YOU the user did it.

    If you want a kinkless experience with it, keep it simple.

    Arch ships with systemd, as such, it also ships with systemd-boot. Use what's built, don't add additional bootloaders unless you need the functionality they offer.

    Gnome, Matlab, and VScode have wiki pages for installation and configuration, and Firefox is in the repos and is one line in the terminal to install (#pacman -S firefox)

    For a first install, I'd recommend following the wiki to install instead of using archinstall to familiarize yourself with how to use and read the wiki.

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    Spoiling speedrun if it's organic
  • I wash with plain water and a little bit of citric acid or vinegar.

    Keep (unused) silica gel kitty litter in a mesh bag in your fridge to lower the relative humidity, I lived in a swamp for a while too :/

    Edit: dry your silica gel in the oven every couple weeks, once it looks like it's losing its transparency.

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    Spoiling speedrun if it's organic
  • Wash your veggies when you buy them, dry them thoroughly, and store them in a sanitary environment; they'll last much longer this way.

    I regularly keep my organic veggies for weeks at a time before cooking them with no molds or rotting.

    It also helps to buy from a growers market where things haven't been in cold storage for months before getting to the store.

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    Is There No Way to Automatically Record Phone Calls Anymore?
  • There's a Call recorder on F-Droid that is in active development, it's open source. High quality call recording requires a rooted device.

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    What Cars do You Swear By?
  • For me, I'd edit things like timing as well as whether a given cylinder/rotor is actively firing based on engine load, disabling cylinders under low load (eg: already at speed, idling) to improve fuel efficiency and maximize power output for a given amount of fuel based on load and whatever the task at hand is (eg hauling loads, hauling ass, or gentle driving)

    Edited: I was really tired when I typed this and missed a couple very important words.

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    What Cars do You Swear By?
  • If I'm gonna have computers in my car, ideally they'd be arduino-like such that I can modify the code on-board as I see fit or replace the parts relatively cheaply if damage were to occur to the electronics.

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    What Cars do You Swear By?
  • Suckless philosophy. The less computerization the better. I wanna be able to fix the whole thing with a 10mm, a jack, and an adjustable spanner.

    Currently I have a 92 Corolla, it has too many computerized parts and I'm planning to replace the engine with a carbureted 3 rotor and a manual transmission. Ideally, I'd also like to implement Koenigsegg freevalve as well.

    If all goes to plan, it could handle an EMP and keep running, though I'm not a prepper or anything, i just want a fully mechanical vehicle because I understand mechanics, but adding computers into the mix muddies the water.

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    Non-male BBEG inspiration?
  • She's a great BBEG, not necessarily evil per se, but I'd look into Darth Traya.

    Met as an elderly light side force sensitive woman named Kreia, the Jedi Exile follows her guidance to regain her connection to the force, it having been stripped away by the council. Towards the end of her story she is revealed to be the head of a cult of sith lords who's goal is to bring balance to the galaxy by destroying the force.

    Kotor II

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    Reflectacles to escape Facial Recognition
  • The only thing they block is the eyes, nothing is obscured otherwise, their own demos on their website show that.

    I personally won't be wasting my money, if I want to obscure my face I'll wear a face mask and color contacts like I already do.

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    I quit Windows and installed Ubuntu, When I power on this error screen is showing!
  • Forced Snaps is a big one. If you're not familiar, Snap is Canonical's proprietary alternative to Appimage and Flatpak. While the Snap Store is open source and can be forked or modified as needed, the backend is completely closed source, which has vexed many members of the Open Source community.

    While the distribution itself is currently pretty solid, they've made questionable decisions in the past like including an amazon search function in their fork of gnome (Unity). Snap can be removed by a skilled user or someone well versed in search-fu, but their choice to have it installed by default, the be the default for package management, and to inject snaps in place of deb packages when installed via Apt, are all big red-flags given that nobody can see what is in those snaps til they're installed except for canonical.
