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BYD surpasses Nissan amid record November sales as EV maker closes in on Tesla
  • The cheapest BYD is about 40k AUD in Australia.

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    The Gruesome Story of How Neuralink’s Monkeys Actually Died
  • Staff observed that though she was uncomfortable, picking and pulling at her implant until it bled, she would often lie at the foot of her cage and spend time holding hands with her roommate.

    That is just incredibly sad. Those poor animals suffering for that megalomaniacs ego.

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    Polish Government Develops Test That Can Detect If Someone Took Abortion Pills
  • They didn't need to disperse around the world. Every country had their own homebrewn flavour of Nazis. It's just that during and shortly after the war they kept quiet, because they new they would be unpopular due to the association. Now that their aren't many people left who have experienced the atrocities first hand and most people have become indifferent to the Nazis, they just started to become more public.

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    What is your favorite terminal emulator.
  • There is a gnome extension ddterm which works under Wayland and works like guake. But unfortunately it currently does not support the latest version of gnome yet.

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    The 3 million richest Americans have greater combined wealth than 291 million
  • It's more like the top 0.0000009% own more than the bottom 87%. The whole 1% thing is really drastically underselling the issue of the scale of inequality.

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    Oscilloscope Watch Ships After 10 Years on Kickstarter
  • This is 3D printed.

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    Eurogamer and Starfield, why our review will be late.
  • So basically no reviews before the Premium Pre Order release? That smells fishy.

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    Police in Ohio fatally shot a pregnant shoplifting suspect
  • According to the cop. Let's wait if the bodycam footage mysteriously disappears.

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    Russians Are Strangely Stumped About Why Moscow Is Getting Bombed
  • So it looks like you think "maybe" it is not going to affect you, and you are only willing to do anything once it does. I think that is in general how everyone there thinks. "Maybe it won't affect me" but by the time it does it is already too late to react. If you want to flee, do it now. Don't wait for the "maybe". Because if you do, it will be too late to react.

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    Anon invites you over
  • Wolf's creek vibes.

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    Zoom CEO says Zoom meetings hinder innovation and debate, wants employees back in the office
  • Seems like somebody is taking a page out of Gerald Ratner's playbook.

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    Silicon Valley elites revealed as buyers of $800m of land to build utopian city
  • Why do I have the feeling this is going to turn into some sort of cyberpunk distopia quickly?

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    TIL Soviet cosmonauts carried a shotgun on space missions
  • Well, considering that many early spacecraft and space stations were running oxygen rich atmospheres, it would probably mean the end of anyone involved in a rather spectacular fireball.

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    India: Christians Attacked and Bible Torn in Church Attack in Delhi During Sunday Service
  • Really, you post with multiple accounts so that it seems there is more people with these types of reprehensive views? Maybe next time remember to switch accounts before you start your rage baiting.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • What about twin siblings then?

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    Dragon Age: Origins walked so Baldur’s Gate 3 could dash
  • Dragon Age: Origins and it's expansion are still my favourite game of all time. I still absolutely love the origin stories. The other entries of the series could never quite catch what made the first one great.
