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Microsoft shuts down Cortana, Apple should do the same with Siri
  • Not to mention that microsoft is definitely going to replace it with bing powered by chatgpt. They probably found that it was easier starting bing from the ground up now than having to deal with whatever has been shoved into cortana's code over the years.

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    The first hydrogen-powered planes are taking flight
  • Hydrogen would also work well for ships, trains, and to some extent trucks. Basically anywhere that requires long distance travel without infrastructure in between where batteries just don't have the range or power to weight ratio to reach - at least not efficiently. And hydrogen is also specifically better for things connecting to a central transport hub, where the hydrogen production and storage and refueling can be centralized to minimize the infrastructure buildup and maximize production and storage efficiency. These would include ports, airports, trainyards, warehouses, sufficiently large bus terminals, basically everything except cars. And as a bonus it doesn't require stripping the earth or rare metals, sometimes mined by slave and child labor.

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    Pornhub goes dark in Arkansas after age verification law kicks in
  • On the other hand, having some people who read a summary that skips some important parts when they otherwise wouldn’t have read the article at all, might be worth the trade off it brings of people who would have read the article now reading an incomplete summary. The net amount of people who go into the comments more informed about the topic past whatever is in the headline would be decently higher, and personally I see that as one of the best ways to increase the quality of discussion overall.

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  • This. Economics is a social science where every theory or opinion aims to achieve different varying desired outcomes for different people and in achieved in different ways, with spectrums for every step along the process. The entire field is on a spectrum, that also generally aligns with the political spectrum because politics, like economics, strives to achieve a certain outcome for a certain group of people, in a certain way. Trying to disentangle the field of economics from people. and the politics that people create, is a red flag for not actually knowing what economics is.

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  • Themes were added 3 days ago, currently on not-pure-black mode again. Now only missing the last 2% of features, which will come soon when the native app is released. But because it’s a PWA I can use it on desktop, so by that metric it’s already better than Apollo which I though I would never be able to say.

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    Extraordinary photos of July's extreme weather - BBC News
  • I'd argue that a lot of people are reaping what a much smaller number people have sown. Not to say that we all don't hold some blame in some part, but some are significantly more to blame than others. An emissions per capita map overlaid with a projected impact from climate change map explains it well.

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    Porn sites must have government health warning in Texas from September 1st
  • This. In retrospect it's kind of amazing it even got passed, and that is the best we can do with democrats controlling 60% of the house and 58 senate seats. And unless republicans are somehow tricked into voting for national popular vote legislation and federally enforced fair districting, or we wait 25 years for all the boomers to die out and hope that millennials still want UHC, AND we also repeal citizens united, the ACA is probably the best we are going to get for some time.
