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Amazon union president knocks Biden: ‘No cavalry coming’ for American workers
  • Maybe what they meant was that it's one of those things the government had to approve, similar to when big companies merge and the SEC has to weigh in first. Just a guess.

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    Google’s self-designed office swallows Wi-Fi “like the Bermuda Triangle”
  • You think that's bad, you should take a gander at the official news sources in Jacksonville Florida. I don't know if they're still this bad, but as I recall they have not one, but at least two big news publications, both produce articles that look like they were written by grade schoolers. Anything that wasn't copy/pasted from the AP seems to be written hastily by somebody who dropped out before understanding English. I'm sure many other cities have the same issue. The one is called news five or Jax 5 news, and the other is first coast news. They'll hire anybody to write apparently.

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    ‘Isn’t it past your jail time?’: Jimmy Kimmel wins cheers at Oscars with Trump jibe
  • Oh yeah? Well... If we were both birds, and I was flying next to you while you were also flying as well, and, and you said to me that I had to carry your school books, well then that'd make you look bad... So... So I win, and you're wrong, and dumb, and I'm like really super smart for coming up with this example impromptu.

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    Georgia Senate passes bill banning American Library Association from state libraries
  • That shit cuts both ways, you might wanna start carrying if you were here too. I carry a gun everywhere now and don't have any credentials, and I'm happy knowing the playing field will be more even when brown shirts shorts start goose stepping down my street. Sleep safe, everybody.

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    Record-setting $1 billion gift will allow Einstein Medical School to go tuition-free - NY Daily News
  • At this point, doctors being rich is an out of date stereotype from before today's rich guys screwed us, and the doctors, out of the good economy we would've had. This is the fundamental misunderstanding holding the idea back from mainstream audiences, they seem to believe "eat the rich" means literally to destroy anybody who makes as much as a doctor or lawyer makes, forgetting these are simply further examples of often abused workers, same as the person cobbling shoes, welding, cooking, whatever.

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    I know this isn't the right community but please critique my room. college student recently diagnosed with adhd. this is my room in shared house.
  • Not too shabby. All it really needs is some personalization, maybe some things hung on the walls to show your personality and taste in decorating a little bit. I'd tuck that loose wire behind the bed and under an area mat between the bed and wall in the last photo. Lastly, you're not super messy so that's good! Maybe slightly untidy, but that's all ADHD people (speaking from experience), and it only takes a minute to spot clean or tidy up a room with this many items in it.

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    Jury finds NRA and Wayne LaPierre liable in civil corruption trial
  • It's funny how saying "I want to stand a fair chance against an armed fascist uprising" is a controversial statement these days. It's as though most people think we can simply wish away any person out to attack us, with no armed citizens, and no functioning criminal system, and a real chance for brown shirt-like activity under a dictator. Come on people, we can take some fascists in a fight. Just got to step up, be strong, and don't let the propaganda get ya mixed up.

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    If, say, you were the President with congressional support, how would you handle the “Gun Control” question?
  • I don't think the premise holds water.

    How can one have congressional support for an issue which actually helps people? Is helping people, in this instance, the most profitable choice for the individual representative? Because they do not care about the betterment of humankind, and they are no longer beholden to the people. The representative at large is a warmongor, an oil baron beneficiary, a gun lobby shill, a two-bit huckster, a thief, and an active erodor of democratic principles. There is no such thing as congressional support among two opposing parties, whose real goals both are aligned against the people, in that, again... If helping people isn't the number one most convenient, profitable, best way to get somebody else's ass kissed, it ain't even a priority. We need to do something about the fascism problem first, then melt the guns into participation trophies for the men who carry them now. Problem solved.

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    'Doom spending' takes hold among younger consumers
  • The psychos see what happens in places where the ruling class gets what they want at all costs, and they still want the juice. Says everything you need to know about society.

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    [meme] There is no one-size-fits-all solution to transportation
  • Say this to anybody who will listen, please! I've been using it on my car guy friends, and they're receiving it loud and clear. They love the idea of having the roads all to themselves, many of the actual enthusiast types do anyways.
