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Question for knitters
  • I’m still new enough I can’t make needle recommendations, but my first project was a garter stitch scarf. 10 stitches on size 13 needles… yeah… that wasn’t much of a scarf.

    when my mom tried to teach me to cast on for knitting I went cross eyed.

    Similar experience to you with learning how to crochet. Right now all I can do is a chain stitch. And nothing else. No adding any height to the chain, just making a single long chain.

  • Admin of my instance seems to have gone inactive, looking to migrate to a small instance with an active admin

    I’d like to help out with decentralization, with users not all gathering in one place, so I don’t want to go to or I did look at and the list of instances there, but it doesn’t tell me if the admin is active. I could just visit every instance listed there and check the admin’s profile for activity, but I figure putting this message out and seeing who replies is a pretty good test of which kbin instances have an active admin that takes me less time.

    EDIT: Also saw this from Ernest, he’s eventually going to make sure abandoned instances have admins, so that’s good news.

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Thank you for trying to think of us, but I wasn’t asking for help at all so I’m not sure why I was tagged with @. I also barely use plugins.

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    Reddit Activity Plummeted After The Protests
  • If you want to know about or hear discussion around the game or something but are around other people without headphones, quietly reading what Redditors have to say is considered more polite than putting on the sports radio for everyone else to hear.

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    Reddit Activity Plummeted After The Protests
  • I contribute a lot here (on different accounts) as an extrovert who just also happens to not care about celebrities. I used to be on Instagram because I care about my friends who use it, but the platform got enshittified enough to drive me off. Yes, maybe I won’t know that you went on vacation so I won’t be able to bring that up as a conversation topic, you’ll have to remember that yourself and bring it up in conversation. But that’s not exactly a great loss and neither is having one fewer person viewing your pictures and tapping “like” on it. A big part of my extroversion is that I like discussing things. Kbin and Lemmy are places to do that.

    I toilet scroll these because it’s something short and engaging I can do instead of just doing nothing while waiting for the human waste disposal process to finish.

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    Reddit Activity Plummeted After The Protests
  • I’m a woman, and although some technological things are interesting I’m not quite a tech nerd and definitely not a Linux one. Linux seems cool but I’m too lazy to make the jump. MacOS and/or Windows serve well enough for me.

    I also have several different Threadiverse accounts and try to post frequently in niche communities I’m interested in, although not so frequently I become the only contributor and it feels spammy.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • This is answered on the Obsidian help page. TL;DR: it automatically updates. Version is in the upper left corner of Settings -> About.

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    [Round Up] Casual Hobby Talk Week of September 4th 2023
  • Remember the eleven separate times (and two HobbyDrama posts) where people leaked classified military details because they didn’t like the inaccuracy of the military vehicles in the video game War Thunder? It happened again.

    Probably going to do a writeup on this, including both this new leak and the old ones that the two HobbyDrama posts didn’t cover. Right now it’s breaking drama so I need to wait.

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    ‘Do You Know Who I Am?’: Lauren Boebert Thrown Out of Beetlejuice Musical For Allegedly Vaping, Causing a ‘Disturbance’
  • Taking photographs and using your phone during a theatrical performance is usually considered bad theatre etiquette. These aren’t obscure rules used by a small group of theatre snobs to tell who’s a newbie and who’s a fellow member of the elite. They’re announced to everyone attending the show (sans late arrivals and people using the bathroom). Most shows, including Beetlejuice, have a pre-show announcement that happens right before the show begins. The announcement says something like “the use of any recording device is strictly prohibited” and asks the audience to turn off their cellphones.

    I normally wouldn’t do this, but because the Fediverse is small and it’s semi-relevant… !musicals. There’s currently a bug that makes !communityName@instancelinks like the one I just wrote not always federate out properly from Kbin, so here are some alternative links to the same place: @musicals and

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    What's your favorite magazine so far while roaming around the fediverse?
  • I don’t consciously make these calculations either, but what you just described sounds exactly like how I choose what to click on. Also came here for suggestions!

    I’ll say that I’ve looked up hobbies I enjoy but don’t think about much so I can boost my engagement on the Fediverse. Normally I wouldn’t bother, but I want to help this place grow, so I’ve let in things that I have a milder interest in as well as my usual interests. This is also how I get variety in the posts I see, as I usually stick to /sub. When I wander out, it’s on purpose and to a specific known community, because /all usually has some depressing political news or ragebait that would get me to outrage-click. I’m here to have a good time, not to doomscroll or get angry. Kbin has no algorithm intended to keep us scrolling on it, but those things do generate the most engagement, so it’s only natural they end up on /all frequently enough (though not as frequently as they’d appear on the popular page on Reddit) that I feel a desire to avoid /all.

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    Found knitting patterns for charity: Warm Up America!
  • If you’re on mobile, go to the end of the crochet pattern. Under it will be a rectangle saying Crochet Patterns and another rectangle sating Knit Patterns. Click the rectangle saying Knit Patterns. There you will find eight patterns, one of which is garter. I intend to do all the patterns. I started with garter stitch.

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    Found knitting patterns for charity: Warm Up America!
  • Started on a rectangle today. Trying to figure out the gauge. At my tightest I still expanded past the 7 inch mark with size 7 needles and yarn that’s probably a lighter weight than asked for (bought it forever ago and do not have the label). Started over with 30 stitches instead of the suggested 35 and it seems okay now.

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    Found knitting patterns for charity: Warm Up America!
  • Yeah, I’ve made everything I want for myself within my current skill level. Everything else I want for myself is way too hard right now. But I still want to knit. Solution: knit for other people!

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    Cables can suck a dick
  • What pattern is this? I figure I should learn how to cable sometime, and if you used this as your intro to cabling it’s probably alright for people new to it.

  • I had no idea what to knit so I asked some people on this community for some help in this thread. Someone suggested I knit for charity, and look up what the charities want for inspiration. Actually found something that the rest of you might want to know about, especially since it comes with patterns! They’re for the 7 x 9 inch squares you can donate to the charity. Here’s the link to the patterns on the charity’s website. Charity is Warm Up America! I have no affiliation with them besides what I mentioned in this post.

    Mods, let me know if this is too promotional and I’ll take it down.

    EDIT: link to patterns is now broken, here's an link to the same place


    @musicals !musicals

    Includes Broadway, off-Broadway, the West End, other parts of the US and UK, and musicals around the world.

    What if You Knew What You Were Missing on Social Media? (By Julia Angwin)
  • “We believe that users should have a say in how their attention is directed, and developers should be free to experiment with new ways of presenting information,” Bluesky’s chief executive, Jay Graber, told me in an email message.

    Of course, there are also challenges to algorithmic choice. When the Stanford political science professor Francis Fukuyama led a working group that in 2020 proposed outside entities offer algorithmic choice, critics chimed in with many concerns.

    Robert Faris and Joan Donovan, then of Harvard’s Shorenstein Center, wrote that they were worried that Fukuyama’s proposal could let platforms off the hook for their failures to remove harmful content. Nathalie Maréchal, Ramesh Srinivasan and Dipayan Ghosh argued that his approach would do nothing to change the some tech platforms’ underlying business model that incentivizes the creation of toxic and manipulative content.

    Mr. Fukuyama agreed that his solution might not help reduce toxic content and polarization. “I deplore the toxicity of political discourse in the United States and other democracies today, but I am not willing to try solving the problem by discarding the right to free expression,” he wrote in response to the critics.

    When she ran the ethics team at Twitter, Rumman Chowdhury developed prototypes for offering users algorithmic choice. But her research revealed that many users found it difficult to envision having control of their feed. “The paradigm of social media that we have is not one in which people understand having agency,” said Ms. Chowdhury, whose Twitter team was let go when Mr. Musk took over. She went on to found the nonprofit Humane Intelligence.

    But just because people don’t know they want it doesn’t mean that algorithmic choice is not important. I didn’t know I wanted an iPhone until I saw one.

    And with another national election looming and disinformation circulating wildly, I believe that asking people to choose disinformation — rather than to accept it passively — would make a difference. If users had to pick an antivaccine news feed, and to see that there are other feeds to choose from, the existence of that choice would itself be educational.

    Algorithms make our choices invisible. Making those choices visible is an important step in building a healthy information ecosystem.

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    What if You Knew What You Were Missing on Social Media? (By Julia Angwin)
  • Here’s the text!

    Social media can feel like a giant newsstand, with more choices than any newsstand ever. It contains news not only from journalism outlets, but also from your grandma, your friends, celebrities and people in countries you have never visited. It is a bountiful feast.

    But so often you don’t get to pick from the buffet. On most social media platforms, algorithms use your behavior to narrow in on the posts you are shown. If you send a celebrity’s post to a friend but breeze past your grandma’s, it may display more posts like the celebrity’s in your feed. Even when you choose which accounts to follow, the algorithm still decides which posts to show you and which to bury.

    There are a lot of problems with this model. There is the possibility of being trapped in filter bubbles, where we see only news that confirms our pre-existing beliefs. There are rabbit holes, where algorithms can push people toward more extreme content. And there are engagement-driven algorithms that often reward content that is outrageous or horrifying.

    Yet not one of those problems is as damaging as the problem of who controls the algorithms. Never has the power to control public discourse been so completely in the hands of a few profit-seeking corporations with no requirements to serve the public good.

    Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter, which he renamed X, has shown what can happen when an individual pushes a political agenda by controlling a social media company.

    Since Mr. Musk bought the platform, he has repeatedly declared that he wants to defeat the “woke mind virus” — which he has struggled to define, but that largely seems to mean Democratic and progressive policies. He has reinstated accounts that were banned because of the white supremacist and antisemitic views they espoused. He has banned journalists and activists. He has promoted far-right figures such as Tucker Carlson and Andrew Tate, who were kicked off other platforms. He has changed the rules so that users can pay to have some posts boosted by the algorithm, and has purportedly changed the algorithm to boost his own posts. The result, as Charlie Warzel said in The Atlantic, is that the platform is now a “far-right social network” that “advances the interests, prejudices and conspiracy theories of the right wing of American politics.”

    The Twitter takeover has been a public reckoning with algorithmic control, but any tech company could do something similar. To prevent those who would hijack algorithms for power, we need a pro-choice movement for algorithms. We, the users, should be able to decide what we read at the newsstand.

    In my ideal world, I would like to be able to choose my feed from a list of providers. I would love to have a feed put together by librarians, who are already expert at curating information, or from my favorite news outlet. And I’d like to be able to compare what a feed curated by the American Civil Liberties Union looks like compared with one curated by the Heritage Foundation. Or maybe I just want to use my friend Susie’s curation, because she has great taste.

    There is a growing worldwide movement to provide us with some algorithmic choice — from a Belgrade group demanding that recommender algorithms should be a “public good” to European regulators who are demanding that platforms give users at least one algorithm option that is not based on tracking user behavior.

    One of the first places to start making this vision a reality is a social network called Bluesky, which recently opened up its data to allow developers to build custom algorithms. The company, which is financially supported by the Twitter founder Jack Dorsey, said that 20 percent of its 265,000 users are using custom feeds.

    On my Bluesky feed, I often toggle between feeds called Tech News, Cute Animal Pics, PositiviFeed and my favorite, Home+, which includes “interesting content from your extended social circles.” Some of them were built by Bluesky developers, and others were created by outside developers. All I have to do is go to My Feeds and select a feed from a wide menu of choices including from MLB+, a feed about baseball, to #Disability, one that picks up keywords related to disability or UA fundraising, a feed of Ukrainian fund-raising posts.

    Choosing from this wide selection of feeds frees me from having to decide whom to follow. Switching social networks is less exhausting — I don’t have to rebuild my Twitter network. Instead, I can just dip my toes into already curated feeds that introduce me to new people and topics.

  • Can I create a magazine, then step down from a moderator position?

    I do not have the time, patience, or thick skin needed to be a moderator. I do have a community or two I’d like to create on Kbin and post to, though. Is it currently possible for this set of steps to happen?

    1. Create a magazine, which automatically makes you its moderator.
    2. Appoint another moderator.
    3. Either remove yourself as moderator, or have the other moderator successfully remove you.

    I go against recommended practice and have different vaults for different things in my life. The academic note vault is separate from the personal vault is separate from the creative projects vault. I have also committed sacrilege by not having many notes linked to each other. I’m trying to migrate a lot of notes from Google Docs and Notion over into Obsidian, so all of the vaults are pretty messy.

    I love the LaTeX integration. Lots of math formulas in the academic note vault. I use the callout feature everywhere. I also nest callouts in callouts. I’m frankly treating them as equivalent to toggles in Notion.

    I most often go to the personal vault where I have a list of things I’ve 1) seen online before, 2) spent at least an hour trying to refind that thing later and 3) will probably want to find again. This way I don’t lose time trying to find it again. It’s really helpful for me. I also have a list of food brands and how much I liked them, so I can remember which brand of turkey was bad and which was tolerable and which I’d definitely buy again.


    The first post here has 15 upvotes visible to me. Next post is in the 300s. I’m glad to see hobbydrama regaining its community but I’m curious where the influx of users came from.


    I’m currently experiencing this dilemma. I want to knit something but am not sure what to make.
