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Donald Trump Says Elon Musk Will Lead 'Government Efficiency' Task Force
  • This just goes to show that nobody ever graduates school. What happens in elementary school in terms of popularity contests reoccurs in junior high and high school, college, businesses, religions, and governments. Humanity is still in its adolescence and until we actually mature as a species, we will constantly be on the brink of death or we will find a way to make it happen.

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    Eat shit Spotify.
  • Look, they don't need your help in implementing bad ideas. Please stop assisting them... For all our mental health.

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    Sounds like a fun time to me!
  • Behold the difference between someone who knows what makes them happy verses the person who is told what is supposed to make them happy.

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  • I'm still waiting on an XKCD that references #936 with the fact that we soon as we have reliable, functional quantum computing, all of the passwords from before that point in time will be completely and utterly broken. That the only way to make a password that a quantum computer would have a tough time breaking is if it was made by another quantum computer. Unless of course the comic has already been made and I just missed it, which is a complete possibility because this year for me has been utterly crap.
