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Biden promised no jail time for weed. He's running out of time to pardon cannabis convicts.
  • Biden promised to reschedule, and it was a lie. The war on drugs has been a bipartisan effort, and it disproportionately harms minorities. Not only that, it was designed to harm minorities from the very beginning.

    John Ehrlichman, one of the architects of the war on drugs:

    We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news.

    Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”

    Don't call me couchfucker again just because you don't like how I characterize your favorite policy.

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    Biden promised no jail time for weed. He's running out of time to pardon cannabis convicts.
  • So since they're gonna keep doing that no matter what, why should I bother with accuracy about them? They sure as fuck never have about me.

    Far as I'm concerned, they're all in on the war on drugs and are delighted at all the lives it's ruined because it's disproportionately harmed minorities.

    If they keep saying the worst about me, there's no reason at all to extend greater courtesy to them.

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    Pigs Fly; George Will Endorses Harris
  • The party is supporting an ongoing genocide, and has adopted Republican border policy and support for fracking. The Biden administration openly brags about having the greatest oil production of any administration, as though that's not something to be ashamed of. That's what I consider moving to the right. And what centrists consider a good start.

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    'We Are All Culpable': Third American Self-Immolates to Protest Israel's Gaza Onslaught
  • Someday, someone who is more convincing than I am will convince you that any words that aren't support for genocide and only genocide aren't utter insanity.

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    Biden promised no jail time for weed. He's running out of time to pardon cannabis convicts.
  • And I still don't think it's gonna happen at all. Just look at how adamantly centrists continue to pretend that cannabis has been rescheduled when it fucking hasn't.

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    Pigs Fly; George Will Endorses Harris
  • Cheney is circumspect about it, but if you read eep enough, you can see he’s not voting for Harris, but against Trump. Meanwhile, George Will makes it clear – he’s NOT a friend of Kamala Harris or Progressivism. He’s just anti-Trump and wants Trump out of his political sphere.

    Keep moving right. I'm sure they'll come around. Not like any of you need encouragement.

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    'We Are All Culpable': Third American Self-Immolates to Protest Israel's Gaza Onslaught
  • “We are all culpable” says the title, didn’t read more into it than that.

    Oh, you were finally able to read it.

    This is still puzzling me. Maybe some day someone will say something that will make me consider saying the same thing that made me do the considering.

    No, maybe someday will say something that causes you to consider similar words instead of immediately dismissing anything that isn't support for genocide as insanity.

  • The stars at night are big and bright.
