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German far right hails 'historic' election victory in east
  • Many attributed gains for the AfD with people voting out of protest. I think that explanation does not cut it anymore.

    Over 30% of two German federal states voted far right out of conviction. You can no longer claim this is just protest. Wish I could say where it all went wrong, why a big chunk of east Germany rejects democracy and embraces this.

    Dark days ahead for our democracy.

    EDIT: the results in Saxony had to be corrected, robbing the AfD of the blocking minority size in parliament. Probably seeing a „they stole the vote“ form soon on social media.

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    How to decide what kind of controller one should purchase?
  • Like others said, driver support for console controllers is pretty good through the board.

    My suggestion: try them out, maybe in a local store on their demo stations (pretty regular around here at least) or by ordering and returning the one you don’t like.

    I personally like the controller layout of the XBox controller more than the PlayStation one. But it comes down to preference. So definitely test drive to find the best suit for you.

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    Wilde Schildkröten in Köln: So überleben die Exoten in der Domstadt
  • Lustig, dass es am Aachener Weiher ist: in meiner Teenager Zeit - gut 25/30 Jahre her - lebten hier in Aachen schon Rotwangenschmuckschildkröten in diversen Weihern.

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    Chat control is back on track.... again
  • Yeah, same with forcing ISPs to save connection data on all users long term. European court slapped on the hands a couple of times, still not done. Like some kind of undead policy

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    Chat control is back on track.... again
  • To add on this: removed because it was clear the vote would not have been in favor.

    Was pretty clear that it would return sooner rather than later.

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    Child medicine
  • For me it’s the size. Can not really trick my body to just swallow. „But that’s huge! We have to chomp on it to break it down! Trying to kill yourself by choking?“

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    United States fast food chains in Europe
  • There‘s at least three Subways and two Burger Kings in my city alone, and this town is far from the size like Cologne or similar places.

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    What are your favourite extensions?
  • Must haves IMHO:

    uBlock Origin Consent-o-Matic

    Making life easier:

    SponsorBlock Enhancer for YouTube DarkReader Multi Account Containers

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    The Callisto Protocol Shipped Too Early At Publisher's Insistence, Director Says
  • That is so incredibly short sighted though that it makes me really mad. How does an underperforming game make shareholders happy? That it dropped this fiscal year and not the next?

    I’m with you, I’m tired of this shit.

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    Geldautomaten-Sprenger: Bringen härtere Strafen etwas?
  • Vor allem weil es in so ziemlich allen umliegenden Ländern Pflicht ist. Warum kommen die ganzen Banden denn nach Deutschland? Weil zum Beispiel Belgien und die Niederlande Banken zur Absicherung/Aufrüstung der Automaten verpflichtet hat, und die Automaten dort nicht mehr angreifbar sind.

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    Separate 2FA OTP app from my password manager
  • At the end of the day it is a matter of preference and convenience. Is it safer to separate them? Absolutely. Is it as convenient as keeping them in one place? Absolutely not.

    So, pick your poison. Personally I have my MFA tokens in three separate locations, two self hosted server applications and in a mobile app (2FAS Auth). More for fallback/backup reasons. Having them in my password manager is just too convenient.

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    Curb your snooping, Commission tells EU governments
  • Said the commission that wanted (and probably still wants) to force applications to break their encryption for „law and order“…?

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    EU Council has withdrawn the vote on Chat Control
  • From what I understand it was withdrawn as a vote „in favor of the goals of the commission“ was not guaranteed. In part because Germany announced its decision to withdraw support yesterday. Seems to be standard behavior.

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    Why don’t you like Apple?
  • Well, there is in the EU, but that does not help anyone not here.

    An unlocked boot loader is something that would have to be forced from Apple’s hands like sideloading was in the EU. No way in hell they would pursue that on their own.

    Rapairability is a point that bugs me as well, hoping for right to repair laws in the EU to force all manufacturers to make the devices better in that regard.

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    Raspberry Pi Smart TV?
  • Basically a pair of bouncers at the door to your Home Network whose specific purpose is to manage the flow of guests from outside (the internet) to your club (media server with library).

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    Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app
  • No, it’s a separate app that is completely detached from the BitWarden App and servers.

    More comparable to 2Fas, Aegis or similar apps.

    EDIT: the fact that TOTP is not available on the free tier always irritated me. I am happy VaultWarden has it included, though it’s only one of three places I keep my TOTPs
