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What temperature do you keep your thermostat at?
  • House only has a traditional heating system with no temperature control. In summer I just drink a lot of water and wear short sleeves, in winter it's the lowest setting that can keep me from freezing.

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    Wealth shown to scale
  • I knew the ultra-rich were unimaginably wealthy but this still blew my mind. Got through Bezos, expecting for the site to end, stopped when I saw the blue rectangle starting.

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    Wealth shown to scale
  • Emotional numbness isn't repulsive in itself, disregard for others is. People can feel emotions less intensely than others or lack emotional empathy(feeling what others feel) but still make friends through genuinely putting effort.

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    Anon is tired
  • I work out, read, touch grass and sleep consistently. Anon still has a great point.
