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  • Huh I never realized how weird of a story that is to tell to kids

    Don't even get me started on a tall tale heart or that one story about this dude fantasizing about escaping while getting hanged

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    Freelance python
  • Tbh A snake clone using exclusively the turtle training library thingy

    Oh and a flappy bird clone using pygames but that was from a tutorial

    I have also made a few game jam games in Godot using gdscript which is a very similar language to python

  • Ive learned a decent bit of python from a trade school I was in and I am really interested in learning more and eventually do freelance work

    And I'm looking for advice on ensuring I know enough to do that as well as some advice getting started

    Peer pressure
  • Honestly the most peer pressure I ever got was Hey wanna try this thingy Nah, Oki

    But that's cause I surrounded my self with lovely people that understand the word no

  • They're inspecting

    cross-posted from:


    So like I was trying to install Davinci resolve (an editing program) and while doing so it basically said "removing" followed by that appears to be everything installed on my computer

    So I nope right out of there and I notice a bunch of important things are missing ex: the terminal, file manager, etc

    So I just decided Maybe if I reboot everything will be a ok

    And now on this screen and it won't even let me enter my logic

    This was the latest update of Kubuntu And idk what I did wrong or how I got here

    I've only been using Kubuntu for probably about 4 months ish

    Edit: please help

    Edit 2: I got it working by reinstalling Kubuntu as suggested, Thank you for the help :>


    I keep getting this error when trying to push to my github repository

    /usr/lib/git-core/git-remote-https: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/git-core/git-remote-https: undefined symbol: curl_global_sslset, version CURL_GNUTLS_3

    Im running Kubuntu and im more on the novice side


    Like why does Kroger want me to get a Kroger's card so bad

    Idk maybe I'm just being too paranoid But why do they want to give me free stuff


    I've seen so much stuff on what it means and how it affects people but I can't find anything on the reason behind why anyone wants to shut down the government
