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fucking car people (just a rant)
  • Its the car centric mindset of just jetting all over town for the fuck of it more or less. As I mentioned elsewhere, if we were ""going out"" I'd understand changing, but we had one drink and left (which was the plan from the jump.) we could have been on the way out of the bar by the time we left their house if we'd just gone there.

    Yeah its equally dumb on a bus but most people on public transit wouldn't do that because it IS silly for one drink.

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    fucking car people (just a rant)
  • If they wore particularly expensive stuff, maybe. They weren't, nor are they particularly concerned about such things, just "comfort." If we were going out all night it tracks but we literally had one drink and left.

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    fucking car people (just a rant)
  • Its a car centric attitude I don't understand. Driving absurdly out of your way wasting an hour and a half cause why not hurrdurr car.

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    Maximizing privacy on Android without custom ROMs?
  • I can't speak to how often, but it definitely happens.

    Its a perception thing, they see it as "I dont have to'learn' anything I just follow these tutorials" even though a similar amount of effort would get them through the few commands they might need on Linux.

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    Maximizing privacy on Android without custom ROMs?
  • Eh, no use crying over spilt milk, youre here now. :) Linux is still stuck in a weird cultural hole, its not your fault it took a while.

    Ive always been familiar but a daily driver of windows. I started self hosting a year or two ago, and recently switched my office PC to Linux with a secondary win partition. Ive just never had issues with windows but I'm pretty tired of what they've been up too lately so for me it was time. Whenever I get around to grabbing another m.2 for my living room rig I'll do the same for it.

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    Maximizing privacy on Android without custom ROMs?
  • This is the thing that gets me about that level of user. I understand basic users who dont care prefering windows, but I always kind of found it amusing to watch people "Linux too hard booo excuse me while I learn to manipulate the registry, and run scripts/disable certain things via the checks notes CLI."

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    Sydney's car-brained candidate for Mayor
  • Although I do think its an exaggeration

    "Almost every day?" Maybe, depending, but not always. Which is why I fell back on multiple times a week which is depressingly not an exaggeration.

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    Sydney's car-brained candidate for Mayor
  • You're awfully angry over a passing internet comment and are trying to argue an absolute because of it. Perhaps you're the stupid and hateful one here?

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    ! mod suppresses criticisms of fediverse spam campaign, using mass ban technique to silence opposing viewpoints
  • But I was assured this only happened on ml instances and .world was a blistering Wild West of ultimate free speech 🤔

    (As long as you don't dislike Nazis, thats what got me banned from the instance)

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    Sorry to be a downer, but this is a really good point.
  • Also, how extremists shouting the quiet part out loud is just assimilated now into the liberals sense of "status quo," so they just leave them to their fascism and bigotry then go off on you instead for "rocking the boat" when you point out the racist call for violence is bad.

    Yes, I'm tired of hearing it too, that's WHY IM TRYING TO GET YOU TO GIVE A SHIT AND TELL THEM TO FUCK OFF WITH ME

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    Sydney's car-brained candidate for Mayor
  • US here with bonus points for a conservative city in the bible belt. I see people literally just driving in circles around the block or up and down the street endlessly almost every day. Multiple times a week at least. Don't fucking tell me drivers only do so with purpose. eyeroll.gif

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    The Power of Free Public Transit
  • They say if you’re driving, that’s time lost, while if you are on the bus, you can be doing all sorts of things on your phone or what have you.

    I don't have a car right now (not in any rush, especially with the current market) and I'm a BIG defender of this point. On the bus, I usually have a book. I take Amtrak alot and having driven on plenty of out of town trips over the years - I LOVE getting to nap out after hopping on then getting some reading done, do some gaming, or just....stare out the damn window. Coming home I have a tendency of getting a bit drunk one way or another haha.

    My thing with people's perception of Amtrak in particular is how if they applied the same standards to driving we'd have an INFINITELY more equitable movement infrastructure. Sooooo many people I talk to swear off Amtrak forever cause that caught one delay, in a number of these folk it's only an hour or two but that's enough to swear it off entirely. Meanwhile those same people will sit in gridlock for an hour every day driving to work without batting an eye, or pound the steering wheel once in a multi-hour delay while traveling then are just like "that's life." How come one 1 hour delay is a forever deal breaker but nobody (seriously) complains about that? It's just what they know so no level of inconvenience is too much and they're rather be stuck in a car for 6 hours in a jam than share space with others for 2 hours on a train.

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    Search Risk – How Google Almost Killed Proton Mail
  • I don't think it'll be that easy. Once people have to pay (or the functionality is reduced to compensate) there are plenty of alternatives waiting to provide better products for the same price if not better. The Google singularity depends on being a whole suite of premium product being offered for free, once that's gone it won't have the same oomph as a brand.

    How do you feel about Musk owning Twitter? Because that's (depressingly) considered important to free speech, but the "free speech" crowd happens to cheer as Brosef openly censors things he doesn't like and promotes baseless falsehoods and whatever else tickles his whims. I don't want to assume you're in that camp, but 9 out of 10 "Keep govt out of my free speech" folk tend to celebrate Musk's particular brand of it and consider it "free speech" when he censors but oppression if it's done to somebody who agrees with them.

    Do you think search would be free and open under the ownership of some private equity group or another billionaire with money to burn like Musk? Hell, do you think it's free and open NOW under Alphabet? They play dirty ALLLLLL the fucking time with search. If we brought Google (or some other search engine, or hell built a new one) under a government team we could the engineering team to build and maintain a product without all the games of profit and clout chasing that gives you relevant results instead of specifically engineered middling results designed explicitly to make you have to run another search (and all the other crap they do.)

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    Search Risk – How Google Almost Killed Proton Mail
  • Google has, Google isn't the only tech company.

    Google also wouldn't survive being broken up. Their entire business model revolves around the strangleholds they have. Somebody would absolutely pick up the search product if it went under and I'd rather it be public than owned by another Musk who will just decide that only fox news and breitbart can be displayed on the first few pages.

    Some things SHOULD be publicly owned, in everybody's best interests.

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    Search Risk – How Google Almost Killed Proton Mail
  • I said what I said. Properly fund shit and put people in charge that understand it instead of politically charged appointees.

    Big tech has done nothing but hemmorage money and make everything worse, why are you celebrating them instead of calling it busted when they do it?

  • Everyone I know, even more "progressive" people, treat me like a damn alien for not prioritizing getting a new car since mine died over covid.

    Why does nobody blink an eye at this habit people have of just..... Sitting in their car in the driveway? Its not on, there's no music, they aren't leaving - they're just sitting there for an hour or more. I see it fairly often, but if I mention it being odd people look at me like I'm dumb. Are we really THAT car centric now that it's this normalized to be like "fuck my living room, fuck my TV, fuck my couch, I just wanna sit in my car all day?"


    Howdy All! I've been self hosting some services on a pi 4 for a year or two now and have been fiddling with new services lately. I realized I'm pushing 60% or so of RAM and maxing out the SWAP file while fiddling with things. I currently just set up a nightly reboot as a temporary solution but I'm thinking about picking up a mini PC of some sort to replace it with, and wanted to get input from the community (Read: people smarter than me haha.)

    I'm happy to hear any preferences anyone would care to share on hardware. I know obviously more RAM is key, as far as I'm aware CPU isn't super important and any recent-ish box will probably have a fine enough processor in it, and of course I'll probably end up getting a bigger external drive to hook up to it but that's not a big deal.

    Also, I'm currently running docker/portainer on an OMV core, just how I learned/got into self hosting. Should I take the opportunity to learn Kubernetes or some other big boy system? I've not done alot of reading into it but I know clusters are gaining steam these days even for self hosting, would that be valuable to learn more about as a hobbyist/enthusiast/whatever? I'm fairly competent and used to have some CompTIA certs but as such I know better than to unnecessarily complicate my life lol. It sounds cool but I don't see a use case in my personal usage.

    Thank y'all for your time and knowledge!

    I'm currently running: Baikal, Bookstack, Bitwarden, Duplicati, Filebrowser, freshrss , Linkwarden, Apache, Navidrome, nginx, portainer, rpi-monitor, searxng, stirlingpdf, syncthing, watchtower,

    I'm considering: Nextcloud, Maybe a game server or two depending on the needs?, Whatever else seems interesting, I guess :P
