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  • "You may be able to do some things with the machine that the teller cant/wont do."

    Tell me more ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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    I envision a wonderful future with this happening.
  • "It's like these borders we have are stupid and arbitary"

    You get that borders and people governing a piece of land is stupid...but you still don't GET IT.

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    Disney gives up on trying to use Disney Plus excuse to settle a wrongful death lawsuit
  • Some kind of Stockholm syndrome i guess.

    This companies violates us constantly, but most people are so traumatised by ads and social presure that they don't see it anymore.

    I put ads before social presure due to comedy, but also:

    Ads eats brains. Thus creating mindless consumers. Oh look, the perfect consumer!

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    Disney gives up on trying to use Disney Plus excuse to settle a wrongful death lawsuit
  • I met a shitposter from modern social media,
    Who asked with a frown, wrinkle lip
    And sneer of cold contempt:

    "Do you have some reason why you think
    This company with vast amounts of these
    stamped lifeless things
    Will go bankrupt and/or split up?"

    But regardless of all the corp-simping,
    In the future, only these words survive.

    "My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;

    Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!

    Nothing beside remains. Round the decay

    Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare

    The lone and level sands stretch far away."

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    China will have nearly twice the pets than young children by 2030, Goldman Sachs says
  • "Birth rates are falling across the globe (...)"

    But sure...

    How do you face the fact that both Apple and Samsung, the 2 biggest capitalist phone manufacturers corporations in the world, use workers in China that aren't owners of the production...

    How is China comunist? One of the biggest states in the world...when a comunist society is supposed to be statless...

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    Antinatalism Rule
  • I don't know you, but you probably don't fall on the category of "rich" in my mind.

    Richer than an Indian farmer. Ok. I'm also rich then. I live in a house (not mine) and don't go hungry.

    I don't even consider billionaires on the scale.....that is just an afront on humanity and shouldn't exist.

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    Antinatalism Rule
  • There are more houses/apartments than people.
    There is more food going to the trash than what we need.

    It's not that we have a lot of people. The problem is the greed of a few and the complacency/idiocy of the rest.

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    Shit libertarians say.
  • The only thing I have to say is:

    We had public water in our town.
    A few years ago, a private company was created to take care of the water system and the distribution in our town and some towns around here.

    Our bill has never been higher... Houses that were vacant (second homes, people that were in another country etc) received bills...not like a few euros...hundreds...

    Private companies have to make more money...year after year...the line always goes up. And although it is a private company and they take every penny they can, they also receive state money and European funds...

    We, like other people, are in debt to them now. Because they send us bills like we run a public pool.

    "Because on top of your bill, you have to pay for leaks."

    "But people from your company already came to see if there was any...and there isn't..."

    "It doesn't matter, your are paying for us to fix the system"

    But they already went up in the price per L....Aaaaaand received municipal, state and European funds....

    Capitalism will kill us. Their greed and the blindness/complacency of people like you.
