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Rescuers recover more than 260 bodies at music festival attacked by Hamas
  • indigenous, oppressed peoples

    Uh... you're gonna have to clarify which side you mean here.

    While it's pretty clear Native Americans were in America first- not so much with the current belligerents.

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    Kroger introducing AI at self checkout to lower both accidental and organized crime theft.
  • I can 100% guarantee you that if this is widely implemented, it is going to result in AI flagging customers of certain races more than other races. There will be a scandal, and the AI garbage will get pulled.

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    Denver experimented with giving people $1,000 a month. It reduced homelessness and increased full-time employment, a study found.
  • There are two major concerns I have with UBI.

    1. It's highly inflationary.

    2. It fosters dependency, and it's an economic-political death spiral. People on UBI vote for those who support higher UBI. Inflation increases due to increased monetary velocity. People demand higher UBI due to cost of living increases. Votes go to those who promise higher UBI, etc. The cycle continues until you're wiping your ass with currency or some form of CBDC is implemented to stop the bleeding.

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    Schwarzenegger advises Trump on weight loss: ‘Run around yourself three times’
  • Schwarzenegger ain't a republican or a dem.

    Anyone who says "screw your freedom", unironically and publicly, in a time of crisis, isn't an American.
