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Anon learns to love the bath bomb
  • I’m constantly amazed at the variety of possible human sensory differences.

    My problem is not spending the whole day in the shower.

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    spectrum rule
  • How else can I tell you what kind of leather it is and infodump the complete history of the wallet in human civilization on you?

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    The big ?
  • In other words, fear. The cruelty is their best idea for keeping the people they fear under control.

    It’s their only idea, because it’s how they were raised and how they live their lives.

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    Top White House budget official warns of ‘dire’ situation on Ukraine aid
  • The genocide is helping Hamas keep power.

    The people can’t throw these monkeys off their back, and all they want is eternal war because they’re millenarians who think they’re ordained by god to win in the end.

    Israel is beyond delusional to think they can eliminate every single one of them. It’s beside the point anyway since Benny uses Hamas to stay in power, too.

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    Top White House budget official warns of ‘dire’ situation on Ukraine aid
  • combine the fact that pro-Russia events are popping up around the world with the likelihood that Russia had a hand in equipping Hamas to attack Israel and the end of US support for Ukraine…

    Sure look like a criminal-fascist dictator about to be our new daddy.

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    The big ?
  • This is the messaging that we, as the left, fail to get across. Multiracial, multiethnic, international cooperation is good and has knock on effects for everyone.

    But those words can’t overcome primal fear and greed.

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    Just do it.
  • Nah, it’s not personal, it’s just a monopoly.

    They do it because they killed all the mom and pop stores.

  • DALL-E. I was trying to generate something for the recent cyberpunk challenge and wasn’t getting anything I liked. Then I typed the title at random and this popped out.
