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U.S. military has shot down Iranian drones
  • You can thank George w Bush for getting Americans perpetually at war, which gives the president the power to attack any time as commander-in-chief. No war? No commander-in-chief power.

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    America Can’t Surpass China’s Power in Asia, But It Can Still Prevent Chinese Hegemony
  • Henceforth why the USA did an oil embargo on Japan. Then Japan sneaked attacked the USA for doing that (pearl harbor). Sucks what happened to China, but not everything is America's fault.

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    America Can’t Surpass China’s Power in Asia, But It Can Still Prevent Chinese Hegemony
  • It's nothing against the people of Japan, but their geography. They need to import their oil and lots of other stuff, so if they didn't have major global allies and markets, the country would need to lash out.
    Obviously the first question you asked is loaded, so I won't answer it. Any atrocities committed by American actions are obviously bad, but you'd have to be more specific about what atrocities for me to answer.

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    America Can’t Surpass China’s Power in Asia, But It Can Still Prevent Chinese Hegemony
  • You're an American? Wow, must be sad waking up every day thinking you're the bad guy. Especially, as you look into your smart phone screen, you realize it took a global economy to make that piece of technology and a free society to allow the freedom of information flow that you can read.

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    America Can’t Surpass China’s Power in Asia, But It Can Still Prevent Chinese Hegemony
  • Remember when the USA stopped supplying the Japanese with oil during world War 2? The USA has a gigantic military presence in Japan and laws governing their military, you want them to just leave and let Japan "do their thing"?

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    I'm a California restaurant operator preparing for the $20-an-hour fast-food wage by trimming hours, eliminating employee vacation, and raising menu prices
  • You bring up a great point. Once I applied for a mortgage and showed that I had a part time job and a small business. I had made some changes in my financial structure so it looked like on paper that year my company was failing even tho personally I made more money consistently over the years. Didn't matter, my loan got rejected cuz technically the business was making less money.

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    Which pill do you choose?
  • That's not a money issue. There are people from poor places that had good childhoods, such as farming families. Not saying there wasn't struggle tho.

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    What is an average person living in the US supposed to do about corporations raising prices?
  • I'd like to add that not everything is inflating at the same rate, so you can certainly consume less of the crazy priced stuff. If you're forced to buy it, like auto insurance, then start getting quotes from competitors.
