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‘Cocaine Werewolf’ Looks To Follow In Tracks Of ‘Cocaine Bear’ At Cannes Market; Tarf Media Launching Sales
  • I'm sick of "Cocaine _______". What, wolfy's gonna ask to borrow €40 I don't have?

    Give me Heroin Ghost who shoots up to feel alive or LSD Tree Frog who wants to know what people keep licking him.

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    20 states sue Biden admin over illegals
  • If you're not making with the example you insist exist I'm not even gonna read your posts as they're a waste of time.

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    20 states sue Biden admin over illegals
  • No I get it, you can't prove your point. You don't have to keep running around with dictionaries that don't prove your point to impress me. It doesn't change my view of you at all to know you're wrong.

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    20 states sue Biden admin over illegals
  • Are you still on this? You went in circles so I left.

    Still no example, huh?

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    20 states sue Biden admin over illegals
  • I'm happy for you ...or sorry that happened.

    That's alot of words which notably are not an example of the adjective "illegal" being used as though it were a noun to describe a human being and it not being derogatory.

    Come on, bill Clinton. You just gonna yap about what "is" is or you gonna prove your point? Make with the example.

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    20 states sue Biden admin over illegals
  • The link you offered does not seem authoritative.
    The example it proffered of:

    “Sometimes I don’t always feel like jogging” doesn’t make any sense.

    Makes perfect sense.

    Are you going to keep litigating "Sometimes inherently means sometimes not" or are you going to provide an example of a non-pejorative use of referring to a human being as though they themself were illegal?

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    20 states sue Biden admin over illegals
  • "Sometimes" is different than "Sometimes although not always"

    That I why I had to use different words to type the two different concepts.
    Your definition only listed the first, which does not inherently indicate the second.

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    20 states sue Biden admin over illegals
  • The definition does not indicate it can be not derogatory—which makes sense because it's derogatory.

    You despite claiming sans evidence that it is possible to refer to a human being with a pejorative adjective and it be anything other than derogatory, won't even back up your claim with a single non-derogatory example of its use.

    I get why you won't—'cause you can't—but if you were right you'd think You could give an example rather than litigating the implied corollaries to "sometimes".

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    At least one society is decent enough to take out their antisocial billionaire parasite trash...
  • How the hell are you supposed to play the game and “be better” than the opposition, when the opposition is taking advantage of you?

    You do that by not murdering them after you have taken power and over the means of production.

    Having all the world’s fortune in the hands of about 10 people. We can’t stop this by playing nice and asking nicely.

    Alright so you've seized all the money in the world and taken over all the land and machinery that enables production through the application of labor via militant witholding of the same. You and your comrades have all the guns.

    ...why at that point do you need to use those guns to murder people who are no longer holding murderous control over those common resources?

    I refuse to acquiesce to or defend a system of belief that requires people die.

    Once you win, you don't kill or you never had moral authority to employ violence in pursuit of winning in the first place.

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    At least one society is decent enough to take out their antisocial billionaire parasite trash...
  • see I don’t respect the BBC.

    You shouldn't.

    what makes that cutoff meaningful?

    Fetuses don't have rights.

    I’m also saying you can’t sieze all their assets. money isn’t just money, and its not the only thing that’s money.

    What the heck are you talking about? Find the things which can be exchanged for goods and services and that those things away. Cart off shiny rocks. 0 out electronic ledgers

    Billionaire handshakes are meaningless. If you've seized all the food and means of production what does it matter if gardeners try to play Parker Bros. with one another?

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    At least one society is decent enough to take out their antisocial billionaire parasite trash...
  • being human
    which is what?

    A supernatural comedy drama on BBC3


    What are you, a toddler? You asked for a cutoff and I gave you one. If you didn't want an answer, don't ask.

    okay so when I die where does that dignity go? my writings? my body, my soul?
    because your version of this idea sounds anawful lot like a soul.

    What's your point? I never mentioned "a soul" as it relates to human dignity but if even you seem to be using it as equivalent to or allegory for writings so what if it does sound like that?

    Like you seem to be trying to sculpt my position to some preconceived notion you have of organized faith so you can then attack that when I have never mentioned religion.

    I just said you shouldn't murder people once you've already seized "their" assets.

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    At least one society is decent enough to take out their antisocial billionaire parasite trash...
  • based on what?

    Being Human

    at what point(s) does it start applying?

    First breath; fetuses aren't people

    at what point(s) does it stop?

    It doesn't.

    what about a hypothetical uploaded mind?

    Getting a bit off topic your advocacy of murdering people after their wealth has been seized

    in an ideal world, maybe we should.

    Why the hell advocate violence if not to effect ideals?

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    At least one society is decent enough to take out their antisocial billionaire parasite trash...
  • You good, mate? Do you need a friend or someone to talk to?

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    At least one society is decent enough to take out their antisocial billionaire parasite trash...
  • money isn’t money though.

    Pretty sure money is money, and you can take it.

    in what ways?

    It makes you the type of person who can dismiss the humanity of other humans as "other" and we know what kind of atrocities that leads to.

    half as many people arguing half as much for the dignity and humanity of the unhoused and laboring classes

    What about universal human dignity applying universally takes away the right of dignity from the unhoused?

    Human dignity isn't a zero-sum game. That's billionaire thinking.

    Take billionaires' assets, not their lives (post-fact).

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    Which Film Has Been Released On The Most Different Formats?
  • Damn. I've found evidence A New Hope (along with Empire Strikes Back and Revenge Of The Jedi) were released on Video8, but I haven't yet been able to find evidence Enter The Dragon got a Video8 release.

    Can anyone find evidence of Enter the Dragon being released on Video8?
    The one source I have found doesn't list it.

    I really don't want the answer to my question to be "Star Wars". ☹️

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    At least one society is decent enough to take out their antisocial billionaire parasite trash...
  • and being wealthy diminishes just about all of those reasons.scientifically, there are studies that prove it. the wealthy are less intelligent less logic less compassionate less connected to the world.

    So take their money.

    they dehumanize, in the terms that matter to me, themselves.

    You dehumanize yourself when you dehumanize others.

    I’m in favor of actually fixing the problem. that means a guillotine.

    How did that work out for Robespierre?

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    At least one society is decent enough to take out their antisocial billionaire parasite trash...
  • it takes seconds, other way takes years,

    And you end up with dirty sheets. No matter how fast it is it doesn't address your problem.

    Don't call people "it" my dude.
    Irrespective how monstrous a person acts they're still a human and you can't distance yourself and your capacity to engage in the same monsterousness they did by dehumanizing them.

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    20 states sue Biden admin over illegals
  • You’re going to have to provide examples where sometimes means always.

    I'm not the one making the claim here, you are.

  • If we were drinking in a bar (not that I drink in bars) on trivia night and this question came our team's way, I'd be pretty comfortable (granted, I'd be drunk) guessing Enter The Dragon.

    You got to think it'd be a film which was popular at the start of home movies and remains popular enough to day to continue getting releases.

    I was able to find proof of 11 releases of Enter The Dragon.

    VHS, DVD, Blu-Ray, UMD, CED, LaserVision, Super 8, Betamax, VCD, VHD, and HD-DVD

    I wasn't able to find any proof Enter The Dragon was released on China Blue High Definition, but with how heavily Warner Bros backed that format it would make sense if it was. Although they only had the international distribution rights to that film, an I'm not sure if the Hong Kong distributor Golden Harvest hold the rights to that film in Mainland China.

    The only film I think could possibly be a contender for this contest is Oliver Twist—depending on which version it is—which according to this list was released on HDVMD. I doubt it, though.

    I also doubt anything is pulling through by having been released on VideoNow, the only films having been released on the format—Snoopy Come Home, A Boy Named Charlie Brown, and Agent Cody Banks—not having near enough other releases to come close to the 11 we're currently at with Enter The Dragon.

    Thinking on it some of the Star Wars films might tie, but I really think it all comes down to if Enter The Dragon got that CBHD release. 🤔


    However! you are limited to watching The Animatrix on the Japanese UMD release under the same restrictions.

    If you consider UMD "basically DVD" (a format 👎 Resurrections 👎 was released on) the highest resolution you can view it on a format on which the " fourth " film (which we don't acknowledge) was never released is specifically the PAL version of the film on VHS.

    If you want to watch The Animatrix digitally and "UMD doesn't count" the Thai or Turkish dub of The Animatrix on VCD is the highest resolution you can own it on (adhering to our silly self-imposed limitations).

    UMD is 720×480 PAL VHS is 625x240 I think Thailand & Turkey are both PAL countries, so their VCD is 352×288

    I welcome addendums and corrections. I for example have no idea which if any of these films were and were not released on CBHD


    If yes, is it determined by objective metrics such as child hunger or is there a song contest?


    Do the "Ernest needs to add more maintainers to KBin!" comments remind anyone else of the xz social engineering malarkey?

    Comments such as:

    > > > letting more people help with Kbin development. > ... > Why not getting some help? I know that Ernest already said he has a problem trusting people, but > >

    > > > Why has Ernest insisted on being the only developer to work on this? This creates a potential “single point of failure” situation. > >

    > > > I understand the desire to keep kbin a solo project in order to maintain control over it, but if this is going to see any success in the long term, then there needs to be a team. > >

    come up in almost all threads about KBin's performance. At the time I just read them as nincompoops being whiners.

    In hindsight does remind one a bit of similar social pressure leveled against Lasse Collin, does it not?

    Not saying people are trying to backdoor this place or anything. The similarity just seemed worth pointing out.


    What's The Difference Between a "Collection" and a "Magazine"?


    Start composing a reply to this thread. Did you notice you can change the size of the reply field by dragging the right bottom corner?

    I think that's cool. I have not discovered a limit to how large you can make the box.


    It's the middle of an infrastructure update and you're reading this, posted to kbin, on kbin. How's that for stability?

    Now, you can't vote this thread up or down, and if you try to reply you'll get an error\*, but like Morpheus said to the Ziononians "We are still here". I think that's pretty cool.


    You think it's too late for he could pull off a Point Break remake?


    I Still Like

    I still like posting here.

    The spam's a bit much at times and it goes down for days a stretch but I didn't find any instance during this latest outage even worth considering jumping ship to.

    When .social is up, that's wha'sup.


    Is Blocking Ever Going To Block?

    Currently users you block can still see your posts, reply to those posts, and trigger notifications when they do reply.

    You can read the beginning of messages people you have blocked in your notifications tab, but have to unblock users to see the rest of what everyone else reading the replies to your post can see.

    A "blocking" feature that is only inconvenient to the blocker is worse than no blocking feature at all, equivalent to trying to escape a fistfight by turning invisible but actually just closing your eyes.
