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Cities Skylines 2 dev stuck to launch date despite “potential kicking”
  • 'Despite the technical problems outlined in our own review of Cities Skylines 2, Colossal Order says the game is “ready enough to be released.”'

    Next time they're at a restaurant someone should bring them undercooked chicken that looks done on the outside but is raw in the center. When they complain? "The chicken was ready enough to serve"

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    Never Mind the Delivery, More Online Consumers Are Turning to Store Pickup
  • For me it's a mixture of the same day receipt of the item and the unreliability of Amazon lately.

    Amazon does nothing to honor the times they promise. When a "next day" delivery is suddenly a two day delivery they just quietly update the estimate and don't compensate for the delay. At least buying from a store with local pickup, I'm getting it when I expect.
