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Léon: The Professional: The Unconventional Cult Classic at 30
  • Fun fact about that scene: Gary Oldman wasn’t really supposed to shout it that loud, he improvised it as a joke. Which is also why you can see the other actor in the scene jump back a bit.

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    There's a reason we aren't as harsh on the Steam Deck. Actually, a couple.
  • I had to use mine as a desktop for two weeks while my PC was undergoing a repair. It was wholly uneventful: installed OpenOffice and had a wholly normal workweek. It’s perfectly fine to use as a regular, boring desktop if you need it to. Absolutely love the Steamdeck. Every gamer should have one.

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    Big Penny!
  • They actually raised it back in 2019.

    It didn’t help much, obviously.

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    TIL: males have 25% more neurons in the visual cortex than females
  • Pretty much. Men speed more for example and drive under the influence more often. High mortality risk on those.

    Women however tend to be a bit more distracted when driving; they use their phones more often behind the wheel for example. There’s also particular situations that simply happen more to women. I.e. they go grocery shopping and are distracted by the kids in the back seat and hit another car or object in the busy parking lot.

    That’s also why innovations like backup cameras and parking sensors are great at reducing those sorts of accidents. But still: tell the wife to put the phones away if she’s driving. For everyone else’s safety too.

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    'Trans People's Issues Alienate the Working Class,' Says Democrat Who's Never Met Either
  • There absolutely are a lot of them; it’s great that they finally feel comfortable to be themselves.

    We saw the same thing with gay people. I’m an 80’s kid. When I was young, gay was something you saw on TV and in the movies. There ‘were no gay kids’ at the schools I attended. Because that was simply not something that you could admit to being.

    Earlier this year I met a teen girl at work who casually mentioned her girlfriend. I was delighted that kids these days are comfortable enough in their own skin to just say that to someone they just met. That was not a thing when I was her age. It’s nice to see how far we’ve come.

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    Anon is a good samaritan
  • I did CPR training a while back, including AED use. It was fun - and sobering. The takeaway was basically: the odds of your victim surviving this is low, but any chance is better than no chance. They also drilled into us that good CPR will likely crack some ribs. Which is again preferable to, you know, being dead.

    They also had us training on two mannequins. First one was the ‘nice’ dummy that’s easy to compress and teaches good form. Then they switched it out for a ‘lifelike’ dummy, which supposedly simulates the actual strength needed for good CPR. And man, that’s a workout for sure. After performing five minutes of solo CPR on that bad boy, I was about ready to need that AED myself. I’m quite a chunky individual, and even leveraging my body weight that took a bit of strength. We had a petite girl in our class who couldn’t manage it.

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  • Some works will outright lie about it. For example, the TV show and movie Fargo specifically tell you it’s a true story, and even that names have been changed but ‘the rest has been told exactly as it happened’.

    To me that’s weird. It doesn’t really add to the end result in my opinion, but would breed distrust when people discovered it was wholly fictional.

    Still, even with things that are meant to be accurate portrayal of an event, it’s always good to check the facts. Hollywood just can’t help but fiddle with reality to tell a more interesting story, even when it doesn’t need it.

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    Goodbye, Reddit: How the Internet’s Front Page Is Eating Itself
  • Reddit certainly had issues prior to the 2023 API change, but that really was a pivotal moment for sure. Overnight we lost apps we loved and people who made the platform what it is abandoned it or worse - were forced out. Good content creators fled, resulting in a lot less quality content.

    And we all know how the mods Reddit appointed handled things. Now, I’m not saying they’re ALL nazi’s, but there’s folks running the show who would fit in perfectly with the ‘just following orders’ mindset…

    The platform needs to die, the stock needs to tank and the people involved need to be drummed out of the business entirely.

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    FTC urged to make smart devices say how long they will be supported
  • Well the new account was for the new streaming service which replaced the old one. And since that’s a different company… different TOS, obviously.

    It was mildly annoying, but at least it means I can still use the radio I bought.

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    FTC urged to make smart devices say how long they will be supported
  • It’s really in the tech sector’s best interest to do that anyway. Because as a consumer, I’m now quite hesitant to buy a thing without knowing if it’s going to be properly supported.

    We’ve all been burned before. My Sonos webradio lost functionality for a while after some backend streaming service was defunct. They did manage to fix that but it meant installing a new app, new account that sort of thing. It’s annoying- but at least the manufacturer did the right thing to keep it working. I can only imagine how frustrating it would’ve been if the entire thing stopped working with no support…

    Basically, that experience is why I’m no longer willing to buy things that wholly depend on outside servers and the like to keep working. There’s too much risk of ending up with an expensive paperweight.

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    Any ideas?
  • Ah, so not confused - just deliberately argumentative. You do you, I guess. 😂

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    Any ideas?
  • Ah, I see where you’re confused.

    See my first post: I’m referring to a ‘simple point and shoot’ as in: a compact camera which only offers automatic modes and doesn’t shoot raw. Like my old Ixus for example.

    Of course there’s MFT’s and APS-C’s with manual modes too, obviously. Those would be the step up from said P&S’s.

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    Any ideas?
  • Well the point is more: get something that doesn’t just shoot jpg in only auto modes :D

    I’ve personally never owned an MFT. I went from Canon Digital Ixus to a Canon 350D DSLR. I recently made the jump from a 6D to an EOS R8 system.

    The one thing I’d caution about buying MFT for beginners would be crop factor if you plan to shoot wide things. And low light performance. You’d really want a bigger sensor if you plan to use those nice, wide, big lenses. I shoot full frame because of that, but APS-C sensors would be a reasonable compromise. Basically when it comes to sensors: bigger is usually better.

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    Any ideas?
  • Gotta love that undertone of jealousy:D

    Personally, I live by ‘buy the gear that lets you grow in your new hobby’. You don’t usually need to buy the most expensive item, but you certainly should not buy the cheap shit either.

    Take photography for example. You don’t need a $5000 pro camera to get started, but at leat something better than a simple point and shoot would be preferable to start. Like a decent prosumer DSLR. That way you can learn manual photography, how to edit raw, you can experiment with lenses, etc.

    I’ve never once regretted buying better gear than I needed. I’m still thanking past me for investing a bit more in things that are still useful to me today.

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  • “Oi, cunt!”

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    Bill! BILL! Bill! BILL!
  • While I’m not fundamentally opposed to kids learning basic math, even at that time it was used (think 1990-1996) it was a bullshit argument to ban them. After all, they were already cheap enough that a kid could have one on their wrist!

    Heck, you can now buy them for less than a dollar on Aliexpress. But why would you, since literally every smartphone has one built in. It was silly to ban them.

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    Bill! BILL! Bill! BILL!
  • Those remote control watches were actually banned at the schools I went to as a kid. Along with other calculator watches, couldn’t have one of those either. ‘Because you need to know math and won’t always have a calculator on you when you grow up’ 😂

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    What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from?
  • I am aware of that excellent video, yes. And indeed I’ve played literally every game he shows there. I really like some of them, but none have that charm that actual Outrun has.

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    What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from?
  • Outrun. The last one we had, Outrun 2006: Coast 2 Coast, was fucking awesome. I literally bought that for every system they released it on. It’s one of my most played games.

    I’d absolutely love a new Outrun in that same vein. There’s been a few half decent clones over the years, but none match both the gameplay, proper branching paths and overall vibes.

    SEGA has long since stopped selling it because they no longer have the Ferrari license for the cars. But as a car guy, I’ve easily got dozens of suggestions what to replace them with. Ferrari’s are nice… but I’d also love an Outrun with Lamborghini, Porsche or a whole pack of Japanese cars like NSX, AE86, RX7, Miata…

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    No one’s ready for this: Our basic assumptions about photos capturing reality are about to go up in smoke.
  • Exactly. I can't control where other people find news, and if they choose poor sources, well, that's on them. All I can do is be the best, most reliable source for them if they choose to read our news.

    Our newspaper community is smaller than you might think. People frequently move around from company to company. I've worked in radio, TV news as well as newspapers for the past 20 years. I have a lot of former colleagues who work at other companies within our regional media. And us journalists are a gossipy bunch, as you can imagine. If someone actively tries to undermine my trust, they wouldn't just be blackballed from the dozen or so regional newspapers that we publish, but also the larger national conglomerate that runs about 40. We take pride in good sources. Undermine that, and you're not working for us.

  • I’ve been playing with Bing Image Creator. This stuff really is amazing huh? I was playing around with some prompts and styles and came up with this. The car’s prompt was a classic BMW M3 E30.


    I was playing around with Bing this afternoon; that's pretty cool technology! Had it generate a few covers based on classic series like Outrun, Sega GT, that sort of thing.

    Figured I'd give a different prompt a try as well. So here's "Retro-futuristic image of a white haired older man, dressed in a white 80's suit and sunglasses. Stepping out of a futuristic, red Lamborghini Countach with white interior. Background is an 80's Miami street with palm trees and art-deco buildings, sun-drenched, with neon lights on the buildings."

    That's a vibe for sure.
