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Anon starts asking questions
  • first, and less importantly, your wheels are gyroscopes

    second, and much more importantly, at speed you use your steering to compensate for imbalance. You lean a little right? slight steering to the right compensates. When standing still, steering is no longer an option (duh)

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    As it should be
  • I figured out my tv starts on the last used channel if it receives power after a power cut. All I need to control it is a smart plug

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    Britain's crime minister has bag stolen at police conference
  • That's English for you, it's often incredibly hard to express yourself without introducing ambiguity.

    That's the reason "legalese" is a thing thing. When you really need to avoid ambiguous wording the language changes quite a bit.

  • I’ve been looking around, and with every vnc cliend I can find, when I press for example super+return, the vnc client gets backgrounded and the android “desktop” is shown.

    Does anyone know of a client that actually captures the keyboard?


    Reddit used to work like this but nuked it many years ago. I like it because it gives much more information about the consensus at a glance.
