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Why can’t we fall asleep on command?
  • Sleep now is a lot more difficult than sleep 100 years ago.

    Light matters. Blue light from computer screens has been tied to sleep issues. The theory is that it mimics certain bandwidths of sunlight that our eyes are primed to read as "daytime, get up and start moving."

    Hydration and food matters. You need to be in a good state but shouldn't consume much right before bed.

    Exercise matters. A lot of people have trouble sleeping if they move around a lot before bed. Since we have electric lights and can stay up very late doing stuff, it's hard for your body to know it's time to start winding down.

    Best solution I've found: no caffeine after noon, consistent bed schedule (both going to sleep and waking up), black out curtains and/or sleep mask, earplugs/earbuds/brown noise track, and stop using screens an hour or two before bedtime.

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    This is the entrance to the cafeteria in a US school. Absolute fuck you to the students if you ask me.
  • 100%.

    Research based education standards are light-years away from what we choose to do, because what we choose to do is based on 19th century attempts to industrialize. Meaning getting kids used to being away from extended family, stuck in a seat for hours, rote memorization, and regurgitation of whatever you're told.
