Been on Lemmy for a year and some on .world, but switched to .today to support lemmy decentralization.
Wow! That is really neat! I would love to know more about this venerable old timer and your project.
All the time around here... what, do you think I would just come on the internet and lie?
Lol! That's hilarious!
Ooh... very good point! And the caloric value would depend on the quality of the sword's overall craftsmanship. It is more likely that a fine swordsman for the king and his retainers would use a quality leather that would be well-oiled and certainly more supple, which would mean there is a direct correlation between the quality of the sword and its caloric value.
Happens to people all the time on the bayou here, but we probably don't have conservation instructors, so I suppose the sentence is still unique.
Well, I mean, that was kind of my point, I guess. Steel is clearly not digestible, but as the other commenter indicated, the leather on the hilts would be... sorta. And if we are talking logic here, is that a giant's stomach, or are those tiny swords? Aren't there other names for tiny swords? Like, dagger?
The more I look at this image, the more I'm just shaking my damn head.
You have to make sure you get the whole-grain existential horror: that refined horror stuff they are selling to kids these days is just empty calories.
Yeah, I mean, considering that those really look more like dirks or something, if it was real swords with leather-covered handles, my instinct is that #1: 400 calories would be more than one sword and #2: you would be dead before you could expend those calories. Did your research confirm that? I may need to take that research ride too.
I don't feel like the swords picture is accurate... that looks like way more than 400 calories worth of swords...
I am totally just putting this out there and not trying to be annoyingly pedantic, just fyi. The AP rule for capitalization in this case is that this is a title, so if we are speaking of a specific don, it would be capitalized but if just a generic don, it would not be capitalized. So a random don, but Don Corleone. Unless there is a source for mafia style that contradicts this standard rule of course.
Oooh! Oooh! Get him for report abuse now!
I have, but that has nothing to do with my previous comment. My friend, your original post (that you have now edited, don't move the goalposts just because you want to fight) made broad generalizations. My comment was an attempt to help you learn how to reflect and be critical about your beliefs: I thought that might be something a user with the name "open_mind" would appreciate. Fuck me, right? Well done on showing everyone what an open mind you have. Learn how to question yourself when you feel like fighting and spreading negativity. Just because others didn't react the way you expected doesn't make them wrong or bad, and being a dick to someone who was trying to have a constructive conversation is spreading negativity--what you were originally complaining about.
Part of having an open mind is trying to consider your personal biases and where you lack knowledge and expertise. One of the reasons you are getting negative responses is that you stated a very broad generalization that simply isn't true. Life is not black and white, it is grey and invincible against simple explanations.
Sorry, I didn't realize I was needed to indicate my sarcasm. It is always about power and control when comes down to it, though you could see the sunk cost in this situation as being the power of the church. Honestly, I do believe this comic may be specifically using hats as a symbol for the power of the church at that time.
Do you think this is just a troll or an actual teen? I don't want to waste my time on trolls.
Well, if you are never there, then you aren't there for them. Thus, they will not be there for you in the future, because you haven't bothered to be there when they needed it.
Wooooaaaah! Thanks Crow!
Hee hee, me too.
Of course! I hope you find a way to enjoy Who. It is a lovely universe. The other idea would be to look into Big Finish audio---they do a lot of interesting Who stuff.
Looking for Moderators
Excellent. So far I think I've got it... I can see the reports and modlog for the community. I will do my best!