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High Beam
  • Dear God, I hate this so much. Please give me a way to make these motherfuckers feel just a percentage of the kniving pain they unknowingly stab me with... May they understand why they must change their ways.

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    What's one thing you should never cheap out on?
  • It really is better than most. This a company I actually think sort of cares. Their recipes for bread products are also spot on, at least the ones I've tried.

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  • I was absolutely expecting this song. I'm always expecting this song, but especially when I am fast asleep. The cries of the carrots...

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    I'm fast approaching the big five-oh
  • Do you not then bake the crust and filling or is it all just done it the fridge? I'd love to have your recipe!

    Congratulations on the milestone!

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    Only douchebags look at women, apparently (unknown)
  • Her expression seems to indicate fear? I think Mr. True is picking up on her discomfort. Not that it should warrant a beating, but Mr. True's reactions are often hyperbole.

  • These are spaced about every 300 meters next to the trail in Memorial Park in Houston, TX, but they aren't only along the trail. They are throughout the park. Does anyone have an idea what they might be? Thanks!


    I've spent most of my free time in the last day attempting to track down more information about the stained glass I shared yesterday. There isn't very much out there other than sites trying to sell reproductions in all sorts of forms, but it seems that the work is a collaboration between Mucha and the Mauméjean brothers, who were a family of stained glass makers in Spain. The stained glass seems to be referred to as "The Spring and the Plum," while Mucha's work it is based upon is called "Primrose and Feather."

    So glad so many enjoyed my previous post, and I hope you enjoy this one too!


    I mean, Fred Kelly was going to be a character named Bunny.

    Edit: Sorry if this is the wrong community for this question! Unsure what group might be in the know.
