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After a lifetime against, I'm considering joining social media. Any advice?
  • Not every gun is always loaded, but you should always treat a gun as if it's loaded.

    You can think whatever you want about my post, unfair/arrogant idc, I'm just sharing a very common view from among the women I know and the discussions I've read. Not every one out there in the dating world is a creep, but I'd rather be careful since I only had a limited time to go out.

    It's not that every single person falls in to those two camps, but social media is super duper common, so why would I risk wasting my time on someone I can't vet?

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    After a lifetime against, I'm considering joining social media. Any advice?
  • As a woman who was single and dating, saying you don't have a social media is a red flag. Best case scenario, you truly don't and it's probably from having some sort of arrogant judgement value about people who do, worst case, you have a spouce you are hiding from me.

    Either way, not worth the risk. Like all the women I know feel the same. Sure it's a historically newer redflag that didn't exist 10-50 years ago, but neither was worrying about crypto gambling and manospehre BS. Modern problems require modern precautions.

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    What Tyson Foods’ Terrible Year Means for the Future of Big Chicken | Consumers are showing a shrinking appetite for beef, pork and poultry
  • The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire,
    We don't need no water let the motherfucker burn,
    Burn motherfucker burn.

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    What Tyson Foods’ Terrible Year Means for the Future of Big Chicken | Consumers are showing a shrinking appetite for beef, pork and poultry
  • The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire,
    We don't need no water let the motherfucker burn,
    Burn motherfucker burn.

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    What Tyson Foods’ Terrible Year Means for the Future of Big Chicken | Consumers are showing a shrinking appetite for beef, pork and poultry
  • The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire,
    We don't need no water let the motherfucker burn,
    Burn motherfucker burn.

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    What Tyson Foods’ Terrible Year Means for the Future of Big Chicken | Consumers are showing a shrinking appetite for beef, pork and poultry
  • The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire,
    We don't need no water let the motherfucker burn,
    Burn motherfucker burn.

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    Why'd they stopped making tv shows as good as x-files?
  • I mean, I am not a huge fan of the show and didn't finish it. But the first season was stellar. But that aside, reading your other comments it seems like you don't like a lot of modern shows. Which is fine, but personally I find older stuff I watched when I was a girl just sorta meaningless. X files had so many skipable episodes without serving the overarching plot. I'm honestly kinda baffled that you would prefer monster of the week instead of expanse and breaking bad, but you are allowed to think as you please. Just seems at odd with two of the most higely praised shows of recent history.

    And I don't super appreciate being called bro... >_>

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    Why'd they stopped making tv shows as good as x-files?
  • That's.... not what the poster was saying. Prestige TV extends much farther than the mafia genre, sopranos was just the turning point when higher budget dramatic things were more commonly greenlit.

    The Wire, Breaking Bad, Watchmen, The Expanse Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Mad Men etc all absolutely blow X files out of the water. And while I do love X files, the monster of the week format is not even in the same ballpark as those long form character dramas.

    I think you might be letting nostalgia blind you to how great television has become.

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    Jim Henson (and everything he created) are VASTLY AND ANNOYINGLY OVERRATED
  • I mostly agree about the Muppets, I don't really see the appeal and have never found any of their media all thay interesting.


    The Christmas Carol is the one exception, I don't like it because it's Muppets, but it's beautiful music and honestly heartwarming storytelling.

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    What search engine do you recommend that isn't Google or Bing?
  • Does anyone have a source?

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    Juicy Fest: Council staff say residents should 'stop pooing' ahead of major music festival
  • I thought it would be a clickbait title... But... No.

    That is seriously their plan. What an absolute failure of health and safety.

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    Contrary to politicians' claims, offshore wind farms don't kill whales. Here's what to know.
  • 5 responses in 3 minutes? Yeah, no. I'm not engaging with whatever tf this is. Using debate terminology does not mean you have a logical argument and I'm not about to go through economic semantics while you play ignorant. Think as you please and I encourage you to tell/show as many people as you can about this interaction.

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    Contrary to politicians' claims, offshore wind farms don't kill whales. Here's what to know.
  • Lmao. I hope you are just trolling because that's a 2nd grade answer. There is no way you are a serious person who has serious opinions about the world.

    you can’t decide what happens to it.

    But what DOES happen with it? The store restocks.

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    Contrary to politicians' claims, offshore wind farms don't kill whales. Here's what to know.
  • What exactly do you think happens to the money you spend at the grocery store on bacon? It goes to the people producing it. And then they make more.

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    It's 2023/2024 and Roseanne Barr is now more attractive than Madonna.
  • Madonna spent years as a sex symbol, which absolutely takes time, effort and very consenious eating. Not to mention makeup, hair and fashion. What I see in her pic is a streamlined and simple to maintain look. She already has the money and nothing left to prove so... YOLO?

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    What If: No Social Media Anonymity (Edit)
  • That it would drastically harm queer people and those questioning their identity. Social pressure, fear and shame keeps people from asking certain questions or exploring their desires when it's potentially tied to them for life.

    Look at the while concept of "queer appropriation" by celebrities. Their entire life is public and ironically while feeling themselves out and experimenting with new presentations, it's ironically met with backlash from some queer people thinking it's a capitalist ploy to appeal to queer fans.

    Being able to just ask questions and explore is a fundamental part of understanding yourself. Anonymity is a precious gift, but one that is also easy to take granted.

    Edit: Also religious folk.

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    Contrary to politicians' claims, offshore wind farms don't kill whales. Here's what to know.
  • iknorite?

    Cows are the finest example of the proletariat. The only service they provide to the economy is their body itself, so they are literally stripped of it to enrich others with more power, just an endless cycle of suffering.

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    Contrary to politicians' claims, offshore wind farms don't kill whales. Here's what to know.
  • Not quite, the whole "Enlighten centerist" is a crap feel good argument to side with oppressers out of personal convience, far from a legitimate political perspective.

    But this isn't politics, it's me as part of the <1% outsider vegan community in a EXTREMELY carnist world. I'm just so bloody tired of people talking about the horrors of "animal abuse" as they pay others to perpetuate it. It's less centerist, and more annoyance at large scale cognitive dissonance from a historical norm.

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    Contrary to politicians' claims, offshore wind farms don't kill whales. Here's what to know.
  • Like Republicans are anti-whaling anyways... 🙄

    The selective outrage over animal rights is such manufactured bullshit. But if I am being honest, democrats, progressives and leftists are all equally culpable in these do nothing virtue signal outrages. If you are wearing leather, eating meat and financing animal factory farming, I don't wanna hear about your crocodile tears when an imaginary whale or a fictional dog is hurt.

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    When two vegans get in an argument, is it still called a beef?
  • Tell your boyfriend if he STILL has beef that over time it's gonna give him heart disease.
