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Fish can't fly
  • Also, flies can't fish

    Because angling equipment is manufactured to accommodate the physical dimensions of the human market and not the more limited reach of creatures of the order Diptera.

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    Former prominent BBC news anchor gets suspended sentence for indecent images of children on phone
  • The sentence was a custodial jail sentence. There were just two mitigating factors that downgraded it to a suspended one by a whisker: 1. early guilty plea (in the UK this reduces sentence by a third) and 2. first offense. Typically a first offense under two years would be suspended for anyone.

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    Quite an unusual interior
  • Space in London is really a trade off. Many are there just to kick start their career which in the UK London offers far more opportunities than, say, Birmingham or Manchester.

    It's the same as why people put up with small apartments in Manhatten. Or Hong Kong to some extent.

    Many live in smaller places early in their career and then when it's time for marriage / kids they migrate out to the commuter belt where they get larger, nicer places with a more countryside feel and a longer train ride into the city.

    I think the kind of professionals who would buy the above are comparing it to a smaller (nicer) 2 bed flat closer into the city in a greener area but with no personal outdoor space. That's the trade off. They might have started a family and so just want a little outdoor space for toddlers until they move out somewhere bigger for schools.

    Or some people like living in smaller urban environments and want to get in early into areas that are "gentrifying". This has happened over and over in London - move into fairly cramped run down area but with easy commute to work - many other professionals do too - more upmarket shops open locally / cafe culture - streets tidy up, prices explode. Then you sell up and move further out for the country village pad and the train ride to work.

    Also, there are many careers in the UK which you can really only pursue in London (or at least it's where all the opportunities are). Finance / legal / certain arts etc.

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    Quite an unusual interior
  • Oh totally, there are many great places to live in the UK that isn't the London bubble. I was replying quickly and looking for something that summed not being near London jobs / the West end / art/ music scene etc from the point of view of the two professionals who'd likely drop that kind of money on that house

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    Quite an unusual interior
  • Well, decent "for London". People can easily buy bigger spaces elsewhere in the country but you're often in the middle of nowheresville.

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    Quite an unusual interior
  • 40 mins to central London on tube. Lots of green spaces near by. 2 solid square bedrooms, all the cosmetic crap easily stripped out. Hard standing for 2 cars, decent back garden. Semi detached.

    The only reason it's not more is "it's Dagenham" and the general shabby state of the street.

    This'll get snapped up by professional couple earning 160k+ combined willing to await the inevitable gentrification in 5/10 years.

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    The US War on Terror Has Created as Many as 59 Million Refugees
  • I guess the chain of dominoes could go further back...

    • Far right / Europe in general persecutes Jews

    • Jews develop Zionism

    • Western support for Israel antagonizes Arabs

    • 9/11

    • War on Terror

    • mass migration to Europe and racial tension

    • resurgence of far right

    (I suppose umpteen reasons for the Jews to have gotten persecuted in Europe, but the new testament calling them Christ killers properly bears a lot of blame)

    (Then again, if the Romans had been a bit more reasonable taxing Judea in the first century and there wasn't a war and Israel had been there the last two millennia then maybe the above wouldn't have been so bad? Who knows)

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    Why Have Most People Stopped Wearing Hats?
  • TL;DW "after WWII people sought more relaxed casual attire, spent less time exposed to the elements, and rode in cars more where hats were cumbersome"

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    What would your political compromise be?
  • Not really. They sound like someone who was raised conservative, thinks the foetus has some sort of status, but thinks they shouldn't get in the way of others choices.

    I went through that stage myself on my way out of evangelical Christianity. I don't find anything particularly disingenuous about how they're speaking.

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    Good software development habits
  • In my experience when showcasing at the end of a sprint it pays to leave the visuals very unpolished and focus on functionality. Even if it's trivial to use a UI library or other standard components. I deliberately make it look basic to help management / uses accept "it's working but needs polishing". That polish might then be me spending 10% of time on neatening UI, and 90% of time refactoring / fixing tech debt.

  • I seem to be completely failing to work out how to do this? See the reply in your inbox in the context of the original conversation?
