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Live Election Updates: Trump Rushed Off Stage at Rally After What Sounded Like Shots
  • Lots of people care, and they're all stupidassed shitsucking idiots who claim everything is fake, a setup, or a false flag. Stupidassed, shitsucking idiots.

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    Bernie Sanders response...
  • If you are in this thread hand-wringing over how this is going to rally the right and make trump a martyr, fuck right off. Man up and be ready to defend the righteous act of violently pushing back against goddamn fascist fuckwads. Violence is THE ONLY REASONABLE RESPONSE. If you think it isn't, YOU ARE DEAD WRONG.

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    Bernie Sanders response...
  • In any case where the evil party is using their loss as a rallying cry, RALLY AND YELL LOUDER. Never give them any benefit of empathy.

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    Rights for me, not for thee
  • And yet, here we are....posting commandments in schools (and not Beatotudes) and removing women's rights in accordance with God's Plan

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    I know this is a little bit late but
  • Maybe he shoulda experimented with clubbing McConnell with a baseball bat instead of rolling over when McConnell defied the Constitution during his SCOTUS pick.

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    Trump Faces Renewed Scrutiny Over Allegations of Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl
  • Okay, question: NOW??!!

    Fuck that guy with a red hot poker but this is an issue NOW??!!

    prediction: nothing will come of this because it's a weak attempt at electoral October Surprising

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    Rights for me, not for thee
  • It only says that CONGRESS shall make no law. The states think they have that power to enforce a religion but the national government does not.

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    Rights for me, not for thee
  • The radical right have repeatedly said that freedom of religion does not mean freedom FROM religion, and that is exactly why they have the "right" to force their religion upon others though law and courts. They read it as the Federal government is not allowed to choose one national religious sect, but states can enforce any religion they want, which happens to be a violent usurpation of "christianity".
