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The history page seems to imply the All feed is always fetched from My home instance is, I would not expect summit to be making requests directly to another unconfigured instance?


At the moment it takes quite a few taps to switch between sort modes.

This empty space between the community/feed name and the user avatar seems like a nice spot for a sort mode switcher.

Roadmap V2
  • Would love to see in-app video support. So when a post links to an Imgur/YouTube/whatever video it gets opened in a native player rather than opening in a chrome webview thing

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    Best coffee roasters in Aotearoa
  • Or order online, free shipping, usually arrives in 2 days, roasted the day before shipping.

    Their standard blend is my go-to, haven't tried anything from the smaller roasters though

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    [ELI5] What is a reverse proxy exactly and how do I use it to run several dockerized services on one machine?
  • In the long long ago it was reasonably common (particularly on corporate or school/uni networks) to force all web traffic outbound from browsers through a proxy.

    They'd then use these proxies to enforce policies (block sites basically) and often cache stuff too, important when internet connections sucked.

    So generally proxies sit on the same network as the clients (browsers).

    Reverse proxies sit on the same network as the servers.

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    Home Insurance
  • Been with Initio for a couple years. Were a bit cheaper than AMI who we were with before. Still are last I checked. Never had to make a claim so ymmv
