Skip Navigation Sky News footage reveals new details of exchange between police and antisemitism campaigner called 'openly Jewish'

The footage gives context to the lengthy and fraught exchanges, with Metropolitan Police chief Sir Mark Rowley facing calls to resign following the incident.

0 Drug shortages, now normal in UK, made worse by Brexit, report warns

Some shortages are so serious they are imperilling the health and even lives of patients with serious illnesses, pharmacy bosses say


I used to spray my kitchen tops and scrub like a madman only for nothing to happen. It was about as effective as water.

There was a minor improvement when I bought Mr Muscle degreaser but still not great.

Then I bought this cheap, Asda shit and leaving the spray on for 5 mins - boom!

It wipes clean, with the sponge!!

How has taken 40 fucking years for a decent kitchen surface cleaner too be made?

I've used Flash and the other ones with kitchens on the front but this non-descript bottle of bleach water is by far the best I've ever used.

5 George Osborne suggests Rachel Reeves is ‘heir to David Cameron’

Former chancellor once famously called Lord Cameron, now the foreign secretary, “heir to Blair”

What Have Fourteen Years of Conservative Rule Done to Britain?
  • Erm. Are you thinking of a different kind of conservative?

    Other than tradition none of those are traditionally Conservative.

  • What Have Fourteen Years of Conservative Rule Done to Britain?

    Living standards have fallen. The country is exhausted by constant drama. But the U.K. can’t move on from the Tories without facing up to the damage that has occurred.

    18 Margaret Thatcher was a ‘visionary’ says Labour’s David Lammy

    The shadow foreign secretary’s words are likely to infuriate the left of his party.

    Marshmallows are the boba of the hot chocolate world.
  • Frog spawn are the boba of the pond world.

  • Roads at 'breaking point' as pothole repairs hit eight-year high, report claims

    The Asphalt Industry Alliance report found the amount needed to fix the backlog of local road repairs has reached a record £16.3bn, up 16% from £14bn a year ago.

  • After 368 wipes it's going to be red.

  • Brexit ban on EU ID cards ‘disastrous act of economic self-harm’, says tourism boss

    The main beneficiaries of extra UK red tape on prospective language students are Ireland, Malta and the US

    9 Rwanda bill amendments overturned in Commons vote

    Labour continues its opposition, flagging how six flights to space cost the same as each deportation.

    2 GB News shows hosted by MPs broke Ofcom rules

    Five episodes hosted by serving Tory MPs found to have broken broadcasting rules by media regulator.

  • I saw this when I was about 7 or 8. It was a great horror; really enjoyed it!

  • Labour’s public-private plans are just a return to the dreaded PFI era

    SOLOMON HUGHES warns Reeves’s proposed national wealth fund hands City financiers control over billions in public money for big business — and we get... to pay!


    I can't post on Reddit cos I'm banned so thought I'd post this here.

    This user has submitted their drama across multiple Reddit subs:

    I'm quite fond of this guy's take though:


    I was inspired by the raw beauty of the famous renaissance photo. Do you recognise which?

    Report: UK Ranks Second-Worst Globally for Mental Health
  • I was about to say "I'm not surprised".

    I even thought the psychologist and psychiatrist I've seen the past couple of years look almost as miserable and exhausted as me.

    Terrible state this country seems to be in.

  • Jump
    Oh no
  • That's awful but at least there's a tiny silver lining...

    However, Paticia Zebrowski, University of Iowa assistant professor of speech pathology and audiology notes that the data that resulted from the experiment is the "largest collection of scientific information" on the phenomenon of stuttering and that Johnson's work was the first to discuss the importance of the stutterer's thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, and feelings and continues to influence views on stuttering greatly.

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    Florida students allowed to talk about sexual orientation, gender identity after 'don't say gay' settlement
  • Section 28 in the UK which banned the "promotion" of homosexuality in schools fucked up a lot of kids in the 90s including me. Thankfully it was repealed.

    Don't let America go that route. You'll cause more harm by restricting discussion of sexuality.

    As a young teen I thought my attraction to my classmates meant I was a paedophile. It resulted in me cutting, burning and hitting myself whenever I wanked to anything gay as a form of 'DIY conversation therapy'.

    I still have the scars at 40 and I only properly came out as gay at 38 after years of self hate.

    All I would have needed is a person in authority like a teacher or parent to say "same sex attraction is normal" or "fancying your same sex mates doesn't make you a pedo - you may just be gay".

    I know it sounds fucking dumb to hear as an adult but as a confused, angsty, pubescent teen who grew up pre-internet* it made sense that I was perverted, evil and broken.

    *The internet doesn't necessarily make it easier for teens to confirm themselves. They could just as easily fall into the same mindset as me due to misinformation rather than ignorance.

  • I remember a song by NIИ that says something like

    > You represent everything I don't want to be

    Obviously I've googled it but because it's not an exact quote I'm not finding the song.

    Anyone know which song has a lyric that says roughly the above?

    Most likely on fragile, downward spiral or with teeth.

    I tried so hard.
  • I had to fall to lose it all

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    Horror recommendations like Graham Masterton?
  • Cool thanks! I just ordered The Rats and Lair. 👍

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    It’s like a different language
  • Pissed, hammered, spannered, rat-arsed, bollocksed, badgered, smashed, away with the fairies, banjaxed, tired and emotional, battered, can't lie down without holding on, comfortably numb, drunk as a Lord/Judge, steaming, twatted, wasted, three sheets tut wind, lagered up, leathered, legless, pickled, off your tits/face/trolley, out yer tree, pissed as a fart, wellied, sayin hello to Mr Armitage, shit-faced, trollied, utterly carparked, etc, etc.

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    Winged Dragon of Ra
  • Hvordan har du det?

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    Jumping Jack Flash By The Rolling Stones
  • Street Spirit - Radiohead

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    2 Peas in a Pod
  • I like the brown one. I want to nibble him to see if he tastes of coffee or chocolate.
