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Need some advice, two ppl in my family who did interviews has opposite views
  • Every job is solving problems of some kind or another. Look at the individual postings and as you're writing this ask yourself: does what I'm writing yell them how I'm going to solve the problems that this job needs solved?

    That's what people mean when they talk about selling yourself. That's how you get someone's attention. Look at the job posting, make a hypothesis based on available evidence, and use the job posting to tailor a cover letter for that positon.

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    TP-Link Gaming Router Vulnerability Exposes Users to Remote Code Attacks
  • Pm me if you feel like ripping your hair out and putting a whole in the wall with your face. Which I often did. I can try and help. Though there are probably better options

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    Many of you may have heard of the Youtuber Shadiversity's homophobia but there's another.
  • There's a way to call it out. And it isnt inciting a pitchfork waving mob.or.publicly shaming someone.

    This doesn't change peoples.opinions. it entrenches them. You know how to actually.create change in people with abhorrent opinions?

    Exposure. Education (and not in a patronizing way). There's a guy that's been de-racisting KKK members for years, and he does it by just kind of hanging out with them.

    The way people call things out gives people ammunition for their persecution complexes and makes them double down on their beliefs. It may feel good to scream "you're a fucking homophobe" from the rafters but it makes the problem worse.

    It doesnt mean someone isnt homophobic. But the aggregate of this approach is to create communities of people that cling to these ideologies like life rafts.

    Like. There is no better way to ensure they never have a real interaction with a gay person than trying to have the entire internet shame them for being homophobic.

    Even if this dude wakes up tomorrow and sees the error of his ways would be ever be allowed to forget the public and humiliating fashion in which it was called out?

    I've no doubt this dude deserves to be called out for being ignorant but it also doesn't work. Its hard to listen to opinions you know are wrong, especially when they're based on ignorance, but the only way this guys opinion changes if he sees firsthand that gay people are just like him in every way that counts.

    So if you want to call him out and publicly shame him go ahead, because he no doubt deserves it, but don't be surprised when he just doubles down on it all.

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    US Bureau of Labor Statistics reports average hourly wage growth has surpassed inflation for 12 straight months
  • Is there a place to put comments like this? Some kind of "how to lose an argument" community?

    If you disagree with the numbers you can argue them coherently. Like, that's how facts work. If there are issues with the data you make a compelling argument by pointing them out. Data doesn't give a fuck about your feelings, refusing to contribute meaningfully to the argument doesn't make you superior, it makes you look like an idiot, and doubling down on your refusal to engage meaningfully with the content makes you look even dumber.

    You have time to hand wave away shit you don't agree with but don't have time to make.a cogent argument? You're too good when you're called out for it? Is it maybe don't understand economics?

    Because I sure as fuck don't. But I do understand that its a real academic.discipline that involves lots of real math that I also.don't understand. And while I take most.of what I read on the internet with a grain of salt people in this thread that do appear to understand some of those things are indicating this Dara is likely correct. And those arguing that it isnt don't appear to be able to articulate why.

    So my own conclusion is that there's probably.something to this. But it doesnt really matter if there is or isnt, really, because I'll never do anything with the info. Still, I choose to see this as a glimmer of.hope in troubling times.

    Although if you are able to articulate your "all bullshit" theory, I'm pretty sure the many many doctorate holders in economics would love to have you destroy their field of study. You could usher in a revolution in economics. You could create whole new academic.disciplines, and do to.economics.what the scientific method did to natural.philosophy. In that case, don't you have an intellectual duty to lay out.your argument?

    Unless of course its just hand waving bullshit.

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    House Votes to Block U.S. Funding to Rebuild Gaza
  • No you're not.

    I'm Canadian. We have first past the post. Largely its a toss up between 1 of 2 parties federally but our far left party has won provincial elections and was within spitting distance of winning federally in recent memory.

    It isnt fptp that's prevenring you from electing a third party. Its your share delusion that it can't happen.

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    Quotes from slaughterhouse workers are hard to read rule
  • I mean. People will as readily do this to other people as they will to animals.

    The sad fact is we are built to do this. Because we do.

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    TP-Link Gaming Router Vulnerability Exposes Users to Remote Code Attacks
  • My old PC.

    Its on proxmox but I've got an i7 8600k 18tb hard drive for frigate / nas, rtx2080ti because where else am I going to put it. 32gb ram. 1000 watt PSU.

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    TP-Link Gaming Router Vulnerability Exposes Users to Remote Code Attacks
  • Dude I wish. I'd love to be able to point you in the right direction but getting this all working for me was just the product.of determination and posts / videos from all over the place.

    I can tell you that adding proxmox to the equation made things way more complicated. And that vlans are not intuitive.

    My advice would be to just kind of go for it. I ended up needing a smart switch, a mul5i nic pace card, a regular switch, and two access points (you could get a vlan aware access point but I couldn't find anything that made sense price wise).

    The whole thing took days to set up. I frequently didn't know why things weren't working. It sucked.

    You can pm me if you get stuck and I can try to give you a hand buy the frustrating truth I learned about the process was that I was kind of on my own since every set up is kind of unique based on your hardware.

    I'm glad its done but doing it frankly sucked..
