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What is your favorite time travel movie or show?
  • It's funny, I'd argue the weakest season of 12 monkeys was season 1 where they were loosely following the plot of the movie. Season 2 onward is where they started doing their own thing and it became really good. One of the best finalies for a show too!

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    Pavlov's conditioning
  • I didn't know that! Also apparently the Barenaked Ladies had it right when they wrote Brian Wilson:

    It's a matter of instinct

    It's a matter of conditioning and a matter of fact

    You can call me Pavlov's Dog

    Ring a bell and I'll salivate

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    What's your favorite game you never hear anybody talk about?
  • I played the hell out of Dragon Quest rocket slime! Recently I actually got the third one (only releasd in Japan) working on my phone! So far not as good as the second one 😂
