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  • The second you are done with education: it is your moral duty to adopt the C student mindset at your job.

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    $1 grilled cheese
  • no-choice

    This capitalist is alright.

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    Why can't we delete stuff?
  • Whatever shit's been preserved in the permafrost that's bound to come back.

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    Google slows down Firefox users when watching YouTube....
  • "But you see, capitalists take on a risk..."

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    Yellen says high food and rent prices key factors in voters' negative economic outlook
  • When you realize that the NPC poors value silly, trivial things like "food" and "housing" and not your record high stonks. oooaaaaaaauhhh

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    ‘We Are Severely Off Track’: Global Emissions Projected to Fall Only 2% by 2030, UN Says
  • Aliens are going to laugh that humans are the first species to go extinct by what was essentially mass suicide.

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  • Because I'm terminally online, that isn't stonetoss. That's Boulderlob, stonetoss' nazbol cousin.

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    Libs got extra mad reading about the fact that life in China is improving. I absolutely love how this stuff gets under their skin.
  • I agree, but they only feel this way when the right is being criticized over the left. All opinions are equal, but some opinions are more equal than others.

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    Americans of Lemmy, what is your approach to next year's election?
  • I'm checked out of voting, I live in Texas. Nothing but card-carrying neo-nazis in this shithole. Shame too, because I'd love to live in Austin if I could afford to.

    Maybe I'll just vote PSL or something.

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    36-hour shifts, 80-hour weeks: Workers are being burnt out by overtime
  • "WhY aRe WoRkErS qUiEt QuItTiNg!"

    Because capitalism punishes success, that's why. Many people have learned that work isn't school. There's no A+s for a job well done, it's "can you come in today?" on a weekend.

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    Canada be like
  • This, plus the covid denial, it's becoming more and more evident that a classicide is going on.

    But that leads me to ask, what will the rich do when they get their "no poors" utopia? If everyone alive is wealthy, then are they truly wealthy? Hell, who will make them their treats?

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Deodorant: Anything aluminum-free

    Liquid soap: Dove. The important part is that it is antibacterial, sulfate-free, and unscented.

    Also, if you shampoo/condition every day: stop. You're better off getting some bougier hair care and not adding product as often.

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    What is your favorite Thanksgiving dessert?
  • Pecan pie. I may like to dunk on my state, but they're spot on when it comes to pecan pie. However, I like to use maple syrup instead of corn syrup because I hate the antichrist troll.

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    China, in 2023 alone, installed more solar capacity than the US has ever done in its entire history, surpassing expectations.
  • You mean a country has a problem and they just....fix it? Unheard of in the west.

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    Neocon media now openly admits that western capitalism is crumbling
  • It's just hilarious how liberals became mentally identical to conservatives in the 2000s. Same lazy mindset, same "incompetent, mediocre, and proud of it" mindset.

    grillman but with a pride flag.

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    Neocon media now openly admits that western capitalism is crumbling
  • Let me guess, their answer is more insistence that capitalism is perfection incarnate? Just pulling a Biden and saying "things are good, you're just too stupid to figure it out, rube!"

    At least Andrew Yang's message was "I'm a capitalist, but socialists have reasons why they believe what they do. I want to prove them wrong."

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I'm still a babby programmer and I still haven't graduated from "hello world" tier for most things, but I pretty got permission from this web development professor I was taking a class under that it's almost normal to copy/paste code, even in the industry. So I feel less ashamed in doing so.

    Which is good because I have made up my mind to finish my long abandoned CS degree, and eventually get a master's in biotech specifically if I don't find any other subgroup of coding I particularly like. Even if I don't like my working life, I want to solve problems, dammit.
