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15 Years Ago, The Best Horror Miniseries You've Never Seen Premiered On CBS - SlashFilm
  • Harper's Island was an early attempt at a horror miniseries. I watched it sometime in the last five years and it was utterly forgettable. Unfortunately, IICR, it employed too many horror clichés and whodunit tropes to stand out in a positive light, but at the time it aired, it was kind of the only option. Slasher TV shows hadn't really been done, and this was a pioneer in that aspect. It tried, and it's worth a watch if you're a hardcore slasher horror fan, but dont expect anything special.

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    Creatures Of The Sea
  • Some of the creatures' motions look like an 80's animatronic. The VHS filter really adds to this. A+ unsettling vibes from this video.

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