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Connect 1.0.108 Released
  • Does anyone else get inconsistent response by click the comments button on a thread card when viewing a community? I mean this one: this one

    Sometimes it'll open the the thread and show me the comments. Other times it will open the reply box.

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    Sync for Lemmy Google Play Link
  • That seems fair. I'm in the camp that is really hesitant to take on another subscription but also understand that this your living and it has to be worthwhile for you.

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    How many Lemmy users are non-technical background?
  • I'm tech literate but I wouldn't consider myself technical compared to a lot of people here. I struggle with adapting to new concepts. Takes a while to get my head around them.

    For instance (no pun intended) when twitter shat the bed and I heard about Mastodon being an alternative. I looked to into it but it seemed a bit overwhelming to figure out.

    Fast forward to Reddit shitting the bed and the bits of knowledge learned from Mastodon helped me in converting to Lemmy.

    I'm mid 40's and it's really frustrating that I can't figure things out like I could in my teens and 20's.

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    [BETA] Connect beta 1.0.90 Released
  • Thanks for implementing the swipe up/down to dismiss an image!

    This is totally not important compared to implementing other features but is there a way to make the gesture more fluid so the image loves with your drag until you let go? Sync for Redditvs implentation as an example.

    Edit: I think it already is doing what I said but sometimes it's not sticking with the drag and snapping back/snapping back as well as dismissing the image.

  • Since yday I haven't been able to sign in to either of my accounts in Connect. I get the following error.

    Edit: I'm on 1.0.80 beta
