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Always label your wall jack outlets.
  • Noticing the little two eyes over the voice one, I think that would be a fun way to indicate if you were you were to run a POTS line over Ethernet, too. Not only would it look like a little guy with his mouth open, but it would also be a reminder that only two pins in that port are connected. (You can actually connect a phone line to a jack like that and just plug an old phone cable into the middle of the port and it will work)

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    ‘Fascists’: Jack White threatens to sue Trump campaign over use of music
  • I saw part of the DNC where they went to representatives of each state and territory to have them announce their votes. For each and every one the DJ played a popular song associated with that region. I’m guessing they had to try to clear all of those. It was a kind of annoying and tedious procedure, but I feel like it was a big flex on conservatives. It seems like artists are rebuking the usage of their music by conservatives for political events on a regular basis.

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    Former Alaska Airlines pilot who tried to shut down engines in-flight shares his story
  • Sure. I mean, if I die from blood loss, I don’t say a knife wasn’t involved because I died 15 minutes from the time I was stabbed. Just like with the knife, the drug was no longer actively acting on his brain (unless he lied about when he took it), but he was still feeling the effect of it, technically. For most people, this after effect is pleasant and gives one more of a sense of being present and connected.

    There’s nuance, here, though. Here’s another exaggerated analogy: If a majority of people can eat peanuts, but you’re allergic and somebody gave you some and you ate them, what killed you? Was it the peanuts, the allergy, the person that gave them to you, or was it yourself?

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    Former Alaska Airlines pilot who tried to shut down engines in-flight shares his story
  • Psychedelics can trigger psychotic episodes in some people, especially if they have pre-existing psychotic tendencies. Unfortunately, they’re not for everybody, mainly for this reason. My theory is that they may be making it sound like the mushrooms lasted longer than they normally do in hopes of potentially saving his future piloting career. I don’t think it will work, but I think that’s the motive behind their narrative. Admitting that you’re prone to psychotic tendencies will ensure that license never gets reinstated. Pilots tend to hide things like this. They love flying and losing that ability is losing the love of your life and your livelihood.

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    Alas Moths
  • The crazy thing about this is not just how evolution reverse-engineered what a snake looks like to a bird (or whatever preys on this moth), but also that some birds are born with an image burned into their brains labeled “avoid.” Snakes are such a problem to animals that may also prey on this moth, that a moth was able, over millions of years of evolution, to mimic that image through selective pressure. We’re not seeing here a moth mimicking a snake, we are seeing a moth’s wings resembling the image its prey holds in its brain of what it should identify as its own predator. An image that, itself, is held genetically and passed down from animal to animal, built by its own selective pressure. It’s amazing that this could produce such a clear image that’s immediately recognizable to us.

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    what would happen if a rogue, earth-size planet ran straight into the sun? anything interesting?
  • Seeing as how the sun has flares that are wider across than the earth is, I don’t think it would do a whole lot. I’m on the fence, though. The surface of a star is the way it is and where it is because of two things: the immense pressure of the nuclear furnace and the immense gravity holding it together. Those two things basically fight against each other and determine how far out the surface of the star is.

    I have to wonder if disturbing that equilibrium just for a second might cause a little “burp” or something.

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    Picture Unrelated
  • My idea is to train several A.I.s on mostly religious ideology, a single religion for each. Then let them converse with each other.

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    Mirror Test
  • I’m pretty sure most adult dogs and cats understand mirrors, they just get creeped out by their own reflection. Take an adult cat, hold it up to a mirror. Watch as it actively avoids looking at itself. My dog stares at me for long periods through a full-length bedroom mirror and even barks and runs to the window when she sees dogs outside through it. Doesn’t really care much about her own reflection.

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    Please help me stop my baby from crying because kodi keeps buffering
  • My first thought was also that it’s a Pi bottleneck. I have a 4b, and I don’t think I would really trust it to handle some of the higher-quality streaming. Maybe just barely.

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    Democratic Party’s choice of Harris was undemocratic − and the latest evidence of party leaders distrusting party voters.
  • The two party system is somewhat undemocratic, but she’s more popular than the incumbent president everybody just assumed we had to stick with. Switching it up like that was more in the interests of the voters, wasn’t it? I don’t understand how that’s grounds for a claim that it was done out of distrust for the voters. Kind of the opposite, isn’t it? It wasn’t just representatives that thought Biden was hitting his limit.
