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Density saves nature
  • Having renting be the default for apartments is part of the problem. It is very normal where I live that a developer build an apartment building and the sells the apartments to individuals who own the living space and co-own and maintain the shared spaces. The developer takes the winnings and never interferes with the building again.

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    Results from the Browser Features Survey
  • The current era internet is full of web pages that can be salvaged with reader mode. It is an essential tool for my everyday browsing habits.

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    I could make a great PC for that...
  • I think someone just did it in this thread, but something else to consider is that a PC usually enables you to buy games much more cheaply, multiplayer is not behind a subscription, the catalogue is basically infinite and it also enables so many other activities than just gaming.

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    TIL there's such a thing as vegetarian Spam
  • Because there's only so many vegetables and so many ways inspiration will help you on how to prepare them. Especially if you care about protein intake, it can be quite a challenge with just vegetables.

    Plus that's a can that lasts forever and is easy to transport.

    I like variation, protein and ease of use. I'll take 3 please and thank you.

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    Higher difficulties in every single RPG.
  • I remember the hype around the division, it looked so cool and tactical. Then the game came out and every enemy was a bullet sponge. Instantly killed any interest I had in it.

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    US: Alaska man busted with 10,000+ child sex abuse images despite his many encrypted apps
  • In telegram nothing is e2e encrypted unless you specifically ask it to be and when you do, it kills all the functionality that makes it better than others.

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    It genuinely upsets me that Valve spent their time and resources on another Dota variation
  • I grew up and decided that games have a place in my life to give experiences, you grew up and decided that they are a source of burst distractions. I guess age has nothing to do with it and it's just about personal preference.

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    It genuinely upsets me that Valve spent their time and resources on another Dota variation
  • Since they are probably working on other stuff as well could this mean that Icefrog is the only lead who can take a project to completion reliably within Valve's organizational structure?

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    It genuinely upsets me that Valve spent their time and resources on another Dota variation
  • Well, I guess your are right that everything is derivative. I also think some things are more alike than others and also some markets are more saturated than others. When Half-Life came out it was in a saturated market of FPSs but it also revolutionized the market. When Portal came out no one could compare it to anything other that a student project. Half-Life Alyx is still considered the no 1 most polished and complete game in the VR space. We'll see the impact that Deadlock will have I guess.

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    It genuinely upsets me that Valve spent their time and resources on another Dota variation
  • I percieve them as different to your run of the mill EA or Ubisoft, so I expect more from them. That's on me I guess. I'm not angry though, just disappointed.

  • Like for many other people, Valve single player experiences were one of my favorite of all time growing up. I considered both Half-Life and Portal to be masterpieces. It's true they've always been distracted with multiplayer games as well, things like Counter-Strike or Team Fortress and I did play them for sure, because I was a kid and I had all the time in the world.

    These days I'm not a kid anymore and so when I game I tend to look more for memorable experiences instead of mindless grinding. Obviously I remember Valve as the experts in creating memorable experiences and I would like them to keep fully exploring those talents. They don't have that many employees, but they do have all the money in the world, no external pressure, no publisher to shit on them, it's just their developers and artists and a vision. But then they use all that and create this. An Overwatch looking moba shooter, really? I'm sure people will like and play it, but is this the results of the vision and ambition of a company like Valve?

    It doesn't have to be Half-Life. I remember them saying that they dont want to do another one in the series because they are looking to innovate and make something truly original. My body is ready, give me anything. I can't imagine a moba shooter really fits with this description. I'm wondering how such a low hanging concept even becomes a real product at a company as ambitious as Valve.

    I hear people are having fun with the new game and I'm happy for them. I am no longer the target audience and I wish them good luck with it. In the mean time let me hear your thoughts on it. Would you like to see another single player experience from Valve?

    The unpleasantness of mosquito bites is not something useful for mosquitoes, but it *is* useful for the ones who suffer it
  • I literally swatted a mosquito the other day because it bit me while I was doing something else. I didn't feel it land, but I did feel the bite which triggered me to slap it out of existence.

  • No worry about quality when you only get one topic to enjoy for the day.


    I've been using sync for a while and occasionally I go looking in the settings for the feature to hide read posts automatically, instead of having to do it manually. Other Lemmy clients have this so I was convinced sync should probably have it as well, I just can't find it. Does this exist? If not, is it something that could be added? Thanks!
