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Do my phone and watch have explosives embedded in them?
  • Yeah the best example is probably the Japanese internment camps during WW2. You don't have 'rights', you have privileges. Rights can't be taken away.

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    Why we need an AI safety hotline.
  • If you legitimately believe this then you are a clown. Terminator came out in what year again? Lmaoooo

    Edit with citation:

    "As AI researchers in the 1960s and 1970s began to use computers to recognize images, translate between languages, and understand instructions in normal language and not just code, the idea that computers would eventually develop the ability to speak and think—and thus to do evil—bubbled into mainstream culture." (MIT tech review)

    Another article from before OpenAI was even a blip on the radar:

    And another:

    It even has its own Wikipedia article!

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    Former model and Miss Switzerland finalist Kristina Joksimovic 'pureed' in blender by husband - reports
  • Ehhh idk about that one. In a case like this? Sure. Random crimes are almost never solved tho. If you go two states over in a car, shoot someone in the face, and then go home, then you're almost never gonna get caught. Especially if it occurred somewhere with a high crime rate or to a member of a marginalized community.

    Don't get any ideas tho!

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    Jet Fuel
  • That doesn't change the distribution of demographics by itself. Even assuming the birth rate skyrocketed after the nixing of the one child policy, it takes ~20 years before those people are working age.

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    Navy officer lost job for secretly installing internet on warship to check social media
  • I was confused at first trying to read your comment and just wanted to let you know that in this context it's spelled 'morale'. Like "The team had high morale."

    The way you spelled it is like "That man has a good moral compass."

    I don't mean to be rude, just wanted to let you know.

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    The Antiquity to Alt-Right Pipeline
  • Are you suggesting that architectural styles are not based on interactions with different peoples and that the type of architecture, for example, from 200-500CE is not going to vary greatly in different regions such as East Asia and Europe? And that those peoples with individual cultures and ideas about architecture won't ever interact with their neighbors, creating cross-cultural styles? That these cultures will never interact and reach a quorum on specific styles of buildings, especially when brought together through larger institutions such as religion?

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    Biden seeks 'full accountability' after death of US citizen in West Bank
  • She literally clarified that she was going to provide weapons for defense from Iran and its puppets, that she will fight for a 2 state solution, and called for a cease fire. Like a sentence later.

    Jfc. Race to the bottom, though I don't blame you when this guy is purposely taking things out of context.

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    The burning of the Library of Alexandria for fandoms
  • From a content creator's standpoint, sure. The issue is that when the end user doesn't have a shiny new thing they're interested in in front of them every 30 or so seconds they just log off and stop using the service. Why use mastodon if bluesky/threads/whatever shows them, generally, more of what they want to see and less of what they don't?

    Most people are using social media as a way to veg out and unwind these days. They don't really care if somebody is able to game the system, just that they see more that lets them veg out (or alternatively makes them angry, driving increased engagement).

    I agree that this is generally bad, but trying to sidestep it completely like Mastodon is is just going to result in a network that never hits the critical mass necessary to start exponential growth.

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    Where's the lie?
  • Why? We have one person telling them "don't do that" and another encouraging them saying "Go harder" and you really don't think there's gonna be a difference in the actions the IDF takes?

    Israel needs the US as an ally to continue doing what it does, and if their actions become completely indefensible to the US people (they haven't yet; people are stupid) they will lose that alliance, so long as a Democrat is in office. Trump has ALREADY shown his willingness to ally with dictators, but his voters literally just don't believe it. Just as they won't believe that the "most moral army in the world" is committing genocide. Quite literally the only possible way that this situation improves for Palestine is a Kamala presidency, somebody who is actually calling for a 2 state solution and ceasefire instead of "kill those dang muslims".

  • Something I did like about the other place was the communities for localities, and while I doubt we've hit that type of critical mass yet I figured I'd shoot since I'm in a pretty big city: anybody else live in Brooklyn or elsewhere in the greater NYC area? I'll understand if this gets removed, just couldn't think of a better place to try it.
