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Isa Balado: Anger in Spain after man appears to grope reporter live on air
  • Nah, continuing a task while trying to process something like this is something the vast majority of humans would do.

    I remember a common repost on reddit. A female reporter in the 60s asked businessmen on the street about sexual harassment and if it was ok to touch their secretaries. The ones that would say it was ok shed start sexually harassing them and they had no fucking clue what to do.

    They reacted the same way, trying to continue the interview but obviously uncomfortable (even tho they had just been flirting with the attractive reporter).

    I'm a guy (a pretty big guy at that) and I've had women grope me out of nowhere during my bar days. It's a mindfuck, and you just kind of go on autopilot while you try to rationalize what's happening.

    The woman's reaction in this video is completely normal.

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    Kids' Cartoon From Conservative University Claims That Slavery Was 'No Big Deal'
  • I mean, the war didn't start because the North wanted to end slavery in the South...

    It started because the federal government wouldn't force northern states who had abolished slavery to return escaped slaves to Southern states.

    The part about abolishing slavery nationwide didn't come up until the war was going on, and that was more an economic sanction than anything else.

    So it really did start because of state rights, it's just it was the northern states fighting for that and the Southern States wanting a federal government that was willing to force states to do stuff.

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    The Relationship Between Europe and Africa
  • Not to mention they forgot the leaders of those African countries who make deals that give them personal wealth at the expense of their people.

    In some cases 1st world countries have installed those leaders, but that's not really that common.

    And the citizens can't overthrow them their selves, and the other countries who are benefitting have no incentive to "spread democracy" even if they actually mean it this time.

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    🇨🇦Can't call it "Genocide" if you dont consider them "people"🇨🇦
  • No, I'm saying it's stupid to blame the people of a country for what their monarchies were doing...

    It's not the fault of "the English" it's the fault of the guy who was King at the time.

    Be pissed all you want, we all should be.

    Just be pissed at the people who are actually the problem.

    But that's probably too much to ask of someone unironically using a fucking clown emoji

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    🇨🇦Can't call it "Genocide" if you dont consider them "people"🇨🇦
  • You should read that

    If you actually think England would have honored those treaties to stop expanding tho...

    Surprise! They'd have broken them just like America made and broke them.

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    🇨🇦Can't call it "Genocide" if you dont consider them "people"🇨🇦
  • Which would have been great...

    If your comment made anymore sense.

    OPs is just a stupid meme tho, they were making a joke. You tried to correct them but you don't even know what you're talking about.

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    🇨🇦Can't call it "Genocide" if you dont consider them "people"🇨🇦
  • Do you think the country got together to workshop this meme?

    Or do you think a teenager who's still in highschool and might even know less than you made it?

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    🇨🇦Can't call it "Genocide" if you dont consider them "people"🇨🇦
  • No, America got their independence because the wealthiest didn't want to pay tax to England.

    And I seriously doubt the Crown wanted them to stop expanding or treat the natives better before that.

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    🇨🇦Can't call it "Genocide" if you dont consider them "people"🇨🇦
  • Pretty much everywhere was founded on colonial genocide...

    It's just how recent it happened.

    Like, you're giving America shit for what the English, Spanish, and other countries did before America even existed. But it's hard to really blame even the English. It was the English people doing it, it was their royalty who were French.

    For the vast amount of human history, some random group you may never have even heard about could just roll up and conquer you and take all your shit.

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    Kevin Spacey cleared over all sexual assault charges
  • In general, any multimillionaire that gets off of a serious charge doesn't mean they're innocent.

    It just another example of having ridiculous amounts of money in our legal system means it's really hard to be hel accountable.

    Hell, trump got off of beating and raping his wife, because of an old ass New York law that said a husband can't rape his wife under any circumstance.

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    Never mind they never went away, but they're gaining back ground. And they will not stop voluntarily.
  • People can be upset at wealth inequality and the raise of fascism...

    It's not even that unique of a combo, pretty much everyone I know is pissed at both situations.

    Why do you think someone can only care about one?

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Lupe something.

    And he wasnt convicted, but was going to. The state had a "medical expert" show up and testify that there was no way an adult woman could look like that. Just 100% sure of himself and smug as fuck about it.

    Then the defense called the pornstar to the stand and she was in her late 20s or something and working in the industry for over a decade.

    It was something that never should have made it to trial, and gets used a lot as an example for how shit expert testimony can be. The prosecution doesn't try to find the person who knows the most, they find whoever can do the best job of convincing a jury that the prosecution is right. So the people who do it (some are professional "expert witnesses") are just the most overconfident people. Even if they're not sure, they play it up that there can't be any doubt.

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    Elon Musk launches his new company, xAI
  • He was just mad they were making money instead of him...

    Everyone knew as soon as he started saying "pump the brakes" he just wanted a chance to catch up

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    Baldur’s Gate 3 - Official Release Teaser Trailer
  • Apparently they kept a lot out of early access.

    Like, I was disappointed every character was treated the same by npcs, but that was because they wanted to keep some part of act 1 fresh for release.


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    TIL that the first person to receive a speeding ticket was going 8 mph.
  • Back in the day streets were for people...

    Horses were slow and wouldn't run over someone, so it's less like driving down an empty street and more like driving through a children's playground
