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They really want people to RTO
  • Rich people

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    What keeps me up at night...
  • Perhaps a European ideal of Libertarianism. US liberal politics is a facade of good will to hide the same pro-corporate agenda pushing that the other party does while hiding behind a facade of moral vitriol. US libertarians believe in enforcing one's own freedoms with force rather than relying on government force to defend your rights. US leftists have no political base in our elections, by design.

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    Just don't be lazy
  • JusT aPpLY yoURsElF

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    Saber Interactive CEO Says KOTOR Remake Is 'Alive and Well'
  • Schrodinger's remake. It is neither in production, nor canceled, until its release.

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    Trump and Nebraska governor push to deny Biden a crucial electoral vote | Semafor
  • My voting disctrict in Omaha is megablue so it'll be a tough fight for them to get it back.

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    Mad Cat Mech [Midjourney]
  • Is that... 5 AC10's in CT? Or a really weird looking RAC20?

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    How would you react if one of your parents came out as gay? (serious)
  • I would suddenly feel very sad for the one of them that bottled it up for 40 years, and for the other who obviously has known for many of those years...

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    Awful Book
  • How about an awful shambling corpse of a book that's trying to extend the story from a satisfying ending because the publisher wants more books.

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    The problem with ‘3 Body Problem’
  • Cultural, for sure. I had to tough it out for the first bit, only really liking the detective. But then when all the main characters got replaced over and over, I began to see humanity as the main character, collectively, and then I was hooked, which I'm sure was the intent as the story spans >!all of time in the universe 2 times over,!< It's worth revisiting.

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    The problem with ‘3 Body Problem’
  • Other direction dude... 2nd dimension. Also that spoiler was for a reason.

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    Can I drink the hotdog water?
  • You know that shit's gonna peel like a boiled egg

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    AI bots hallucinate software packages and devs download them
  • I regularly hallucinate my code. I don't see the problem here /s

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    The problem with ‘3 Body Problem’
  • Read the book please... The trillogy* is on Audible. Some truly terrifying stuff. Like, >!living in a dying universe that was once an infinite garden because of the dark forest attacks that flattened spacetime into fewer dimensions, which could happen again.!<

    *the last book (or some 4th book, I forgot) isn't written by Chixen Liu, but they liked it so much they wrote off on publishing it in the series as a means to wrap up some critical questions.

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    China’s new rules for finance pull the brakes on gravy train, bringing ‘greed is good’ era to a halt
  • Underlegislation leads to a bloated, extortionate upper crust that weilds disproportionate power over those who rely on said financial system. There is a balance, and the problem you outline is the lesser of the two extremes.

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    I used to be a frame rate snob but owning a Steam Deck has made me realise the error of my ways
  • Helldivers 2 is 25-35 on medium and smooth. Very little stuttering.

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  • That mentality is surely broader than fascism itself. You see it in any hypernationalist state. Rome had "the barbarians." The British Empire had "the savages." Nazi Germany had "the jews." There is always an "other" when the state needs it. Unless you're painting a broader form of fascism, perhaps.

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  • How're the kids?

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    Horse annrulelihator
  • Glue-Extractor(tm)

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    Where does the "helmet-wearing, diaper-wearing, drooling idiot" stereotype of IDD people come from?
  • Well, when IQ was invented, it was assumed that well-adjusted people generally had higher IQs, and since there -are- people with incredably inhibited mental capability, and those people -are- considered neurodivergent by definition, it was assumed that high functioning neurodivergent people must also be "mentally deficient" if they can't function properly in society, with some exceptions to savants who were recognized as being so highly capable in their field that it compensated for their "stupidity" in common matters. It's also noteworthy that public understanding of mental health disorders pre-80's boiled down to "r****d" and "schizo."

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    I still don't get why people spend money... there's tons of it for free
  • That's what you're hung up on? There's a whole subgenre of sharks with tits.

  • I'm looking to get inspiration for my own writing. I need a hard sci fi series where earth (and earthlike worlds) are too rare, inaccessible, and/or previously spoiled beyond ability to sustain life. Bonus points if it is set on a multi-generational space station or starship without any other options and goes into detail about life support, living space, mineral mining and expansion of the station to accomodate a growing population, and daily life of it's residents.

    If anyone remembers Drifter Colonies from Titan A.E., that's what's in my head.

    I'm looking for The Martian levels of realism, and I'm fine with a bit of "Unobtanium" clichés if they're not core to the story.


    Hello World! (My OC: Kit the DigiBun)

    ! !
