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Freaky Friday - what was the last thing your child was afraid about?
  • My 12 year old son had a nightmare that we were fishing on the rocks and he fell into the water. I was baiting up the hook and didn't notice and didn't help.

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    My chicken's cheek lesion, please help.
  • Thanks for the input.

    She seems to be wandering around, eating and drinking. When I found her that morning she was alone on a roost and rubbing it almost constantly on her shoulder

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    My chicken's cheek lesion, please help.
  • Ok, that sounds reasonable, thank you. I don't think she will be going to the vet unless my daughter decides she wants to help considerably with the bill as it's her hen.

    I'll try your suggestion and see how it goes.

  • Hi there, my chicken has a swelling on her cheek and it's causing her some distress can anyone please advise me?


    My city is in the middle of the worst drought in recorded history. My showers are typically under 2 minutes and I have to shower with a bucket to catch otherwise wasted water to use to flush the toilet. I also shut the water down when I am wet enough so I can scrub myself without having unneeded water flowing then start it back up to rinse.

    Plus, water is damn expensive!

    Who here really has the time to stand, think and waste in the shower?


    Please ID. This plant has been emerging every season in my garden. It typically grows as a low lying herbaceous annual to 30cm high and 60cm wide.

    Thank you


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