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  • The same kind of dumb hateful shit exists on the left as well, it can't just be blamed on one group to make it convenient for you. Also, I'm not on the right, that's ridiculous. The fact that I make clear points and relatively sane and coherent thoughts should tell you that but it's obvious that lefties have lost the plot a long time ago and can't differentiate between someone who's left leaning and someone who's just plain on the right.

    And like I said before, Reddit is the most left leaning and liberal site on the entire planet. It's an echo chamber of liberal b/s on a crazy scale.

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  • Wow what a bad ass telling someone over the Internet to "fuck off." If you think I'm right wing because I have a different opinion than you or I choose reason instead of emotion, you got a sad future ahead of you.

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  • You are so painfully triggered it's baffling, I'm embarrassed for you. Visit the front page without logging in, go to any political or news sub and see what gets voted to the top EVERY DAY. Not only that, on any popular sub that has to do with politics, every center or right opinion gets down voted into the abyss. Matter of fact, any dissenting opinion that's not completely adjacent to leftist beliefs are down voted every day. You need a reality check.

    And also, what does the political or personal beliefs of an owner or mod have to do with what content users upvote every day? Just like every other lefty, you let your emotions speak for you. Stay mad I guess.

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  • The worst I see on here is people with different opinions than you and a probably the majority of your creepy lefty circle. If you choose to exist on the Internet, then you must be OK with others saying things you don't like. I probably have to break this down for you so here: you don't have to be OK with what they say but the fact that they can say it. If I have to exists around others telling children it's OK to make life altering and possibly damaging choices, then you must exist around others saying it's not OK to do so.

    This site is not advocating violence (like plenty of left groups do) and it's not instigating bigotry (you're allowed to make your own thoughts and opinions.) What your advocating for is basically censorship and you're trying to turn this place into another far-left Reddit hell hole.

  • Hunter Biden Agrees To Revised Plea Deal After Prosecutors Indicate Additional Charges

    The president’s son previously agreed to plead guilty to two misdemeanor federal tax charges.

    ‘There’s nothing American about promoting violence’: country star Jason Aldean criticised for anti-protest song
  • Reeeeal grand of the Guardian to criticize the lyrics of someone's song when they never called the Black Lives Matters rioters uh rioters. Insane hypocrisy from some leftist media.

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    Netflix password crackdown has actually caused a growth in Subscriptions
  • Corporations bank on the fact that the majority of people would rather complain than go back on what's convenient for them. This was obvious from the start.

    If they ever start instituting ads regardless of membership tier, then it's back to buying discs for me. It's just going to turn into another cable service eventually.

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    Wisconsin judge sides with 11-year-old trans girl over her right to use school toilets
  • I see no correlation between someone being born left handed and someone who claims to have been born in the wrong body, that's a bit of a stretch. What's not a stretch though is that social media has dictated a lot of what is acceptable in society but that doesn't necessarily mean that's a good thing. People can live their lives however they want but it makes no sense that a kid born in this time would have come to this decision on their own without the influence of social media given how much it's affected our society in the past ten years alone. That's the problem and thats what makes it hard to understand and justify. Those in support of children changing who they think they are, give them pats on back but for what reason exactly and what cost? How is this a good thing? In my opinion, kids need to grow and learn to be productive members of our society before they should ever start being told "you're probably not who you are." It's silly.
