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Which distro do you find the most visually appealing?
  • Hardy Heron

    Ah, I really liked Ubuntu looks in old (4.04 - 8.04) versions. The brown/orange is so much better than the newer gray/purple/red whatever. Since 10.04 the theme and color scheme has been awful.

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    Matti Sunell: Ylen kurjistajat
  • Kun tuo kirjautumispakko tuli, lähti minulta Yle Areena sovellus samantien pois. Ja piruuttani en sinne enää kirjaudu.

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    Non-root user that (suddenly) has elevated privileges in a specific command (only). [Have I been hacked?]
  • Do you run docker container in privileged mode?

    And do you run nano inside the container?

    Docker container running in privileged mode has root permissions to host filesystem and devices (limited by said restrictions).
