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Does this plan make sense? v3
  • A commendable attempt at building the foundations of a progressive movement that breaks the current political stagnation we have endured for the past forty years or more.

    Unfortunately the majority of people are inexplicably content to be shafted by successive governments whatever their political persuasion.

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    Apple Greenlights New Sci-Fi Drama Series ‘Neuromancer’ Based On William Gibson Novel
  • I feel like too much time has passed now for this to make an impact. The themes and aesthetics have been recycled ad infinitum over the years. Misguided accusations it's copying work it has inspired will be unavoidable.

    Film is probably the better vehicle instead of an elongated season of hour-long episodes.

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    Death Stranding 2 On The Beach - Announce Trailer
  • Like many of us, I have been a fan of Kojima's games over the years. With his own production company and few people to answer to, I feel his tendency to revel in surrealism and absurdity is pushing me away.

    I'm not looking forward to another dose of cryptic pretentiousness from him. I'll leave this one alone.

  • Steam will now accept "the vast majority" of games using "AI" generation, but only with disclosures

    Little-known indie platform holder Valve have announced a new policy for Steam releases that make use of "AI" technolog…

    Threads testing mastodon integration
  • We don't want to be part of the Zuckusphere.

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    Starfield design director calls out unfair game criticism: 'Don't fool yourself into thinking you know why it is the way it is'
  • This is a game I'll happily avoid. I had my last taste of the tired Bethesda formula with Fallout 4.

    All subsequent releases since then have demonstrated to me they prefer to trudge in the same lane they established almost twenty years ago.

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    Majority of Britons support rejoining the EU single market - poll
  • 2016 was a weird time and you could argue it was the point when western politics veered off in the direction of populism over policy.

    As a British citizen (sorry subject), it was a horrifying moment to be woken up by my girlfriend to learn that we had voted to leave by the smallest of margins.

    And later that year we watched America elect a bonafide psychopathic narcissist as the president of the United States.

    Why the majority elect to be kept under the boot with aggressive fiscal policies which reward the wealthy is beyond me.

    Brexit was sold on lies and false promises of the 'benefits' Britain would see when we become 'independent' again.

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    Plex starts narcing on its own users' anime and X-rated habits with an opt-out service, and it's going terribly
  • ?

    It's a degradation in functionality masquerading as an improvement. And as for labelling everything 'shit', have you seen my comment history. This is the first time I have used this term on any platform. Smh

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    Plex starts narcing on its own users' anime and X-rated habits with an opt-out service, and it's going terribly
  • The great enshittening of internet platforms continues

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    Political attack on human rights is a ‘dangerous’ assault on UK democracy, says HRW director
  • As someone who lives in the UK, this government and their adoption of authoritarian policies in the recent past is depressing.

    I just hope when given the opportunity next year at the polling stations, the British electorate doesn't vite to be f**ked Inthe ass again for the next five years.

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    Guillermo del Toro's response to the comment about evil streaming companies.
  • It's depressing knowing you own a license to access the digital file you purchased but that contract can be withdrawn at any time.

    Besides you cannot replicate the same authenticity by showing your film library to friends and family when you sit down and scroll through your digital purchases.

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    It's never been a better time to switch to Firefox
  • Switched back in the summer for good. Use Firefox in my android as the default browser with DuckDuckGo as search engine. The issue is still relying on the android digital hemisphere as the default OS for my phone.

    Edit : The only thing lacking is tab management. I know there is an extension. But it doesn't satisfy.

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    F#€k $pez
  • I should post more than I do. My engagement rate is low. Reddit is no longer an option.

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    Youtube has started to artificially slow down video load times if you use Firefox. Spoofing Chrome magically makes this problem go away.
  • I regret being complicit in allowing these silicon valley behemoths to reach a point where they're indelibly linked to practically every aspect of the average person's digital life.

    At least the Fediverse and Lemmy are showing the way forward.

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    The Hero We Deserve
  • Hah! You're probably right. This is what happens when you're up late in bed and you need to get up at 7 am for work In four hours.

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    The Hero We Deserve
  • Except he initially called for solidarity with Israel. Ukraine's Zelenskiy calls for world solidarity with Israel It makes him look a bit ill-informed and short-sighted.

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    Diablo IV | Season of Blood | Announce Trailer
  • Well it could be an attempt to divert attention away from the latest season launched in Path of Exile just last week.

  • 28
    [30 Day Song Challenge: Alternative Nation Edition] Day 12 - An alternative song from your PRE-TEEN years 🧒🏻🧒🏼🧒🏽🧒🏾🧒🏿
  • Has to be Dinosaur Jr and the track Freak Scene off their 1988 album Bug. When I play it it always takes me back to a time when adult responsibilities were not a concern and life was less complicated. The song, for me anyway, encapsulates the late 1980s.

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    Sound Off: How many 10+ year redditors have left the site?
  • 14 years and they're welcome to it
