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Inside TSMC’s struggle to build a chip factory in the U.S. suburbs
  • "Hi TSMC. Could you build a massive pseudo village/factory where you indoctrinate the locals with your toxic work culture, sending your managers to act as overlords for our under-educated workers? We will pay you."

    "You want us to basically colonize a town in Arizona?"

    "Ummm... Yeah"

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    US, EU economic system struggling to 'survive' against China, US trade chief warns
  • Another aspect is that cheaper solar panels means cheaper energy: something that Europe is having trouble with right now.

    Cheaper energy means lower costs to produce stuff - Making their economy more competitive not less. E.g. Certain foods need refrigeration. Factory equipment. Server farms. Offices have lighting and aircon etc.

    If Europe allows their own solar panel industry to gouge themselves, the initial investment in solar will be more of a cost and they are going to have less future growth.

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    (Concise History of the CPC) #1 Cultural Revolution
  • I might have to start a Fact Check for this book if this keeps up.

    Please do. You would be actually reading the book which was a study of one typical county.

    In your previous takedown, you quoted CENSUS figures for literacy throughout China when RedQuestionAsker2 specifically said literacy rates in rural areas where they built schools. Those would be two different figures obviously.

    You make it seem like Han has done something wrong. You have a bias against the CR so you are dismissing his research before reading it. It's titled Unknown Cultural Revolution for a reason.

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    (Concise History of the CPC) #1 Cultural Revolution
  • Well no offense, but you are quoting 2 data points 1949 and 1965 in very broad statement saying 'line went up" in the context of singing the praises of China's economy. Han has a full table and yields are very up and down per year.

    (Not that the pre CR work in agriculture was ever even presented as bad things in Han's book)

    The point Han was making is : the idea that the CR years hurt economic development is refuted by stats.

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    (Concise History of the CPC) #1 Cultural Revolution
  • For a different perspective on the Cultural Revolution, checkout the book Unknown Cultural Revolution by Dongping Han. It's a reminder that at the time the rural peasant class were still living in poverty and subjugated by the party and village leaders that were supposed to improve their lives.

    The vast majority of the population was rural ~80%. Those rural kids who qualified to study at university in cities never returned after graduation. Instead they became office workers. The CR changed that : Rural schools were built and run by qualified teachers. Kids actually went beyond primary school. Education levels rose under the CR for the vast majority so characterising CR as anti intellectualist is actually wrong.

    Despite years of collective organisation, grain yields did not increase prior to CR. The CR empowered peasants to take part in the actual decision making and hold leaders accountable for their performance. Combining that reorganisation with greater investment in rural infrastructure, agricultural output increased greatly due to the CR.

    In summary, the CR was about empowering and investing in the majority of the population - rural peasants. That backbone of China needed a systemic change to prioritise their prosperity over urban elites.

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    The amount of racist white supremacist and capitalist bootlicking lies and reasoning on this page is astounding. TV Tropes are fucking crackers. Maybe edit bomb the page?
  • Fuck your ignorance and wikipedia. You wouldn't know shit about Tibet or give a fuck.

    Bullshit white supremacists dog whistle their asshole attitudes towards colored people by characterizing the "bad" countries as dangerous uncivilized inhumane societies. They always claim it's only the government being criticized. Doesn't take much for a racist to slip up and shit on the entire population: the slightest 30 sec tiktok vid will set them off.

    Whatever. Enjoy your racist tropes.

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    Now I understand US a bit more
  • 19 Countries with the Most School Shootings (total incidents Jan 2009-May 2018 - CNN):

    United States — 288

    Mexico — 8

    South Africa — 6

    Nigeria & Pakistan — 4

    Afghanistan — 3

    Brazil, Canada, France — 2

    Azerbaijan, China, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Kenya, Russia, & Turkey — 1


    One country seems a bit higher than the others 🤔

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    Thoughts on this community post by Hakim?
  • Exhortations to study the Quran are another: ordinary proselytizing.

    Why are you opposed to studying something from the Quran ?

    If the leadership of Hamas is driven by Islam, then you need to understand Islam to analyse their decisions. They are the major resistance movement in this situation.

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    Thoughts on Aussie PM Gough Whitlam
  • The contribution to Australia I remember for Whitlam was making studying at university free. The federal government would much later bring uni fees back though.
