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China is attempting to mirror the entire GitHub over to their own servers, users report
  • It may not be de jure open source, but if the code is posted publicly on the internet in a way that anyone can download and modify it, it sort of becomes de facto open source (or "source available" if you prefer).

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    Men, are you physically affectionate with other male friends? (eg, hugging, snuggling, playful wrestling, etc). If you aren't, do you wish it was more socially acceptable if it isn't in your culture?
  • I (from the US) visited my cousins in Italy, and as we were driving around, my cousin and his best friend were joking back and forth in Italian, and it ended with him just kissing his friend on the cheek out of nowhere. It was very cute and entirely non sexual lol. Got a kick out of it since i don't really see that at all in the US.

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    iOS 18 Hints At A Buttonless Future For iPhone 16, Improved Battery On The Horizon
  • Ugh annoying headline. "Buttonless" implies the buttons are disappearing, like the home button. The articles says they might be using "solid state buttons" which, I think, are a bit like the Macbook trackpads, there's no real button but it still acts and responds just like a trackpad button.

    The lock and volume buttons likely will still be there, just won't physically move, and use haptic feedback instead.

  • NSFW
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • If it's a Mac it'll somehow be amazing in every regard yet still come with only 8gb of RAM and a 250gb drive.

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    To those with 2+ monitors on your machine: What's your use case, and how much does it actually boost your productivity?
  • Two monitors one computer? Bah! Why not two monitors two computers!

    One main monitor connected to my Windows machine, and a second monitor next to it connected to my work Mac. Using Synergy, one mouse and keyboard plugged into Windows controls both machines.

    Then, add a Framework laptop propped up on the left running Linux, also controlled with Synergy. Three monitors, three computers! Now when people ask what OS I run it's an easy answer: all of them at the same time lol

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    Do you sit at a desk and keyboard for multiple hours? If yes, please recommend a good chair.
  • This is the only answer. All office chair purchases eventually converge towards an Aeron because it's the only thing that'll last a decade and fix your posture while doing it. I bought one just after the start of covid and is easily the least regret i've ever had spending almost a grand.

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    Why Charging Your Gadgets Over 80% Is Such a Bad Idea | iFixit News
  • Agreed. If you're a device maker and you haven't considered the possibility of your users plugging in their devices for long periods of time in your design, then i feel that's on you to improve your product.

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    Google will no longer back up the Internet: Cached webpages are dead. Google Search will no longer make site backups while crawling the web.
  • Does anyone else remember growing up being told "watch what you put on the internet! it'll be there forever!" Now it seems more and more like things out on the internet won't be there forever unless someone specifically wants it to. I seem to having a harder and harder time digging up parts of the internet i remember from my childhood, the old parts are slowly being erased by entropy and lack of desire to keep them there.

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    Naughty Dog Ends Development Of The Last Of Us Online
  • If you spent 16 hours of gameplay with Abby and her story and her relationship with Lev and Owen and the rest of her friends and all you came away with is that she's "the funny muscle lady", then ya you did miss out on this game.

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    Naughty Dog Ends Development Of The Last Of Us Online
  • Did you play it? If so, fair enough, but if not you're missing out in my opinion. When it was announced i never believed i'd ever question whether a sequel could top the story told by the original, how could it? Playing through it a second time i do have that question now, it's that good.

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    Inexcusable Fedora caveats after Arch (rant)
  • Trust me I'm more on your side than you think, what you described should indeed work as you expected. If I selected the Window Managers group during install and it specifically installed things that need Xorg, I'd be surprised if they weren't working on first boot because of missing Xorg. The Anaconda installer that Fedora uses has generally been very reliable for me, but I haven't installed Fedora in that specific way, I've always chosen a graphical desktop and then installed other window managers or DEs on top of it, or gone with a minimal server install for headless deployments with no GUI at all.

    The fact that this was hard to troubleshoot is not a good look for Fedora either, even if this is a somewhat non-standard setup. It's bad UX that base-x is not documented or easy to find, though on the positive side, I've never needed to know that base-x contains all the Xorg packages because Fedora has, for me, seemed to manage this on its own without needing me to know this detail. One more implementation detail I don't have to deal with is a positive in my book, right up until you have to deal with it, then it's super frustrating.

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    Inexcusable Fedora caveats after Arch (rant)
  • I'll give you that, documentation compared to the Arch wiki is not as comprehensive; nothing's as comprehensive as the Arch wiki lol

    I don't think I understand what you're trying to accomplish:

    "Let me put it in perspective: You install a basic desktop"

    If i'm installing a basic Fedora desktop, i'm going to their website, downloading the default ISO, and installing the default Gnome desktop. That has xorg and wayland and display drivers and all the things you need to get it running on pretty much any hardware. If i don't want Gnome i'll use an ISO with a different desktop, still get wayland and xorg with the default install.

    If you're installing Fedora from the minimal install and then building the desktop (or window manager, maybe you use i3 or openbox) up from scratch like you would in Arch, you're going about it the wrong way. You can go this route but i'm not surprised you'd run into some issues there and have to solve for missing packages (as you would in Arch too, though the Arch Wiki is much more helpful with this type of install).

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    Inexcusable Fedora caveats after Arch (rant)
  • Sorry you're having a rough experience, I came from Arch to Fedora and found it a much easier environment to just relax into, and for me relinquishing the extreme control and maintenance Arch gave me was freeing.

    That said, I never dove deep into Arch, only had to use a few AUR packages, and never built my own pkgbuilds. Fedora doesn't have a strong competitor to this, if you're used to doing these things in your system, you will find Fedora lacking. I haven't had any issue finding the software I need in Fedora repos so clearly my use case is simpler and Fedora fits me better in that regard.

    I haven't had issues with install groups, but then again i don't really use them. I guess they probably aren't that great or else i'd use them more. Still, hasn't been a big issue.

    Idk why you have an issue with xorg, if you want Wayland Fedora supports it out of the box and was one of the first to do so, switching to it should be easy. Wayland is still missing support for key things, for example Synergy clients just flat out don't work, so having xorg support is still valuable, at least to me.

    Overall it sounds like you're missing the power of Arch. That's understandable, Arch is more flexible and arguably more powerful if you're willing to spend twice the time maintaining it. Fedora has saner defaults and is set up as a more well-rounded system out of the box, but if it's built in a way that isn't useful to you and you feel like you have to bend it to your will, Arch is probably the better option.
