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how do I accept I'll never know why any employer rejected me?
  • I make sure to always assume it was nepotism and my confidence remains sky high no matter how long I stay unemployed. It just works.

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    Huawei unveils world’s first tri-fold phone, the Mate XT Ultimate Design
  • Having a phone that can turn into an iPad is probably going to get some use.

    There is practical purpose to a touchscreen, the fact that short sighted people couldn't see its usefulness is my actual point.

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    Senate leaders ask FTC to investigate AI content summaries as anti-competitive | TechCrunch
  • the senators are saying that a handful of major companies control the market for monetizing original content via advertising, and that those companies are rigging that market in their favor.

    This is the actual problem that needs solving. Going after AI instead of Google itself for this is literally a joke.

    Summarizing isn't terrible, I appreciate your excerpt and I miss the tldr bot. The fact is most users will just debate about the headline instead of actually clicking an article if no summary is included. I usually expect anything without a summary to be pure click bait tbh.

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    Gang of wild otters mauls jogger
  • Someone was probably mean to them but it wasn't her. She is also not the first to be attacked.

    She described finding herself suddenly surrounded by the pack after they “jumped out” from a drain in Perdana Park at about 6am local time.

    “At first, I thought it was a cat, but the creature jumped out and bit me while I was running, and there were many of them ... I could not even stand up when it happened,” she told local media.

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    How to Make History Come Alive With AI
  • I'll be the first to praise a bill that is actually aimed at helping artist. I'm just being realistic, everything being proposed is catered towards data brokers and the big AI players. If the choice is between artist getting screwed, and artists and society getting screwed, I will choose the former.

    I understand it needs to happen but doing the opposite and playing into openAIs hand doesn't really help imo.

  • - YouTube

    Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.

    Beautiful piece imo. There's a higher res version on their site.


    Meta's issue isn't with the still-being-finalized AI Act, but rather with how it can train models using data from European customers while complying with GDPR — the EU's existing data protection law.

    • Meta announced in May that it planned to use publicly available posts from Facebook and Instagram users to train future models. Meta said it sent more than 2 billion notifications to users in the EU, offering a means for opting out, with training set to begin in June.

    • Meta says it briefed EU regulators months in advance of that public announcement and received only minimal feedback, which it says it addressed.

    • In June — after announcing its plans publicly — Meta was ordered to pause the training on EU data. A couple weeks later it received dozens of questions from data privacy regulators from across the region.

    2 The AI-focused COPIED Act would make removing digital watermarks illegal

    The new bill is the latest in a wave of AI-related legislation.

    A bipartisan group of senators introduced a new bill to make it easier to authenticate and detect artificial intelligence-generated content and protect journalists and artists from having their work gobbled up by AI models without their permission.

    The Content Origin Protection and Integrity from Edited and Deepfaked Media Act (COPIED Act) would direct the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to create standards and guidelines that help prove the origin of content and detect synthetic content, like through watermarking. It also directs the agency to create security measures to prevent tampering and requires AI tools for creative or journalistic content to let users attach information about their origin and prohibit that information from being removed. Under the bill, such content also could not be used to train AI models.

    Content owners, including broadcasters, artists, and newspapers, could sue companies they believe used their materials without permission or tampered with authentication markers. State attorneys general and the Federal Trade Commission could also enforce the bill, which its backers say prohibits anyone from “removing, disabling, or tampering with content provenance information” outside of an exception for some security research purposes.

    (A copy of the bill is in he article, here is the important part imo:

    Prohibits the use of “covered content” (digital representations of copyrighted works) with content provenance to either train an AI- /algorithm-based system or create synthetic content without the express, informed consent and adherence to the terms of use of such content, including compensation)


    I didn't have the heart to tell him what the gag was really for as I watched the bite mark ooze puss.


    The one I'm using is becoming so buggy to the point of being unusable. It was never really great tbh, what are most people using?

    As an added question, are bookmarks associated with the lemmy account or the app?

    Edit: I'm on android, currently using Jerboa.


    I've just finished A Deepness in the Sky by Vernor Vinge. It was amazing and coincidentally my two last books where children of time(1 and 2) and (as to not spoil the reveal) a certain book involving spiders/crabs that live in high pressure environment.

    I'm thoroughly enjoying the theme I have going on even if it was purely accidental, what would be some good recommendations involving sentient spider to pursue next?
