I really thought I would have more free time now that I'm off reddit 11
The post volume is still much lower, but that isn't all bad, since the toxicity and quality isn't as bad and unlimited scroll time isn't healthy.
Stable Diffusion: The Ultimate GPU Guide 2
RTX 3060 12GB works great on Linux using the Nvidia drivers and CUDA. No reason why it wouldn't.
Musk is undeniably just trying to run twitter into the ground at this point. -1
The mob boss who wants $8/mo for a lame service but won't harm you if you don't want it?
Is anyone else tired of “employee engagement”? 1
You're doing the right thing. They're just trying to juice their own numbers by pressuring you to say something effusive.
Revolt, free and open-source alternative to Discord, has hit 100,000 registered users. 0
Matrix's Code of Conduct says that they will not act on CoC violations that they find ideologically congenial. That's a blank check for harassment, and it applies to every forum which might be used for technical coordination around Matrix.