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U.S. official: Biden realized Netanyahu lied to him about hostage deal
  • Saying Haredim and Soldiers in the same sentence is pretty stupid, considering all they do is study the Torah all day every day. I guess you meant the religious zionists movement, which are settlers and violent and should really be boycotted by every human alive.

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    U.S. official: Biden realized Netanyahu lied to him about hostage deal
  • I mean, if by "going outside" you mean - "crossing the Israeli border illegally" - then yes. They will get shot on site. I still don't see how this has any comparison with the Holocaust.

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    U.S. official: Biden realized Netanyahu lied to him about hostage deal
  • A. Who talked about peace? Who talked about who's at fault? Read again what I wrote. All I said is that the situation is vastly different. This conflict requires peace to be made, the Holocaust wasn't a conflict, but a straight up slaughter.

    B. Israeli child soldiers are news to me... There are plenty of photos of Hamas marching with children with weapons, but none that I know of from the Israeli side

    And yeah, I 100% agree that land just shouldn't exist and that's it.

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    U.S. official: Biden realized Netanyahu lied to him about hostage deal
  • Comparing this war with the Holocaust is stupid. Even if you ignore the numbers, the situation itself is completely different. Palestinians are armed, hostile and a threat. German Jews were just harmless citizens, some even being in the German army, defending the country.

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    After a particularly annoying update today
  • Oh nono Tof is Tower of Fantasy. A Genshin Impact like game but with actualy nice multiplayer. It's still a gacha game which is shite hence I stopped playing it, so I really don't have a good excuse for going (back) to linux...

    Maybe except fingerprint sensor.

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    An Israel offensive into Lebanon risks an Iranian military response, top US military leader says
  • It's existence is an abomination

    And that, kids, is why we have wars. The moment people with power start saying "yeah Israel should exist but also should a Palestinian state" - that's when we'll have peace.

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    Benjamin Netanyahu disbands Israeli war cabinet | CNN
  • I don't think there's a single person on the planet who doesn't want Netanyahu gone from the Israeli government.

    He failed guarding Israeli lives

    He failed guarding Palestinian lives (didn't really try tho)

    He failed disabling Hamas

    He failed bringing the hostages back

    He caused Israel to be the most divided it has ever been, hence the most right wing government is right now in office

    And all just to not be in jail. Fuck Netanyahu.
