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Young women are more liberal than they’ve been in decades, a Gallup analysis finds
  • I don't know why either, but in I heard the same thing: more women tend to care not about the environment than men. Anecdotally, a lot of environmental related stores > and groups I go to are a majority women attended or assumed at women.

  • I’m doing interviews for companies that would involve API integrations. I’ve done a couple now where I was given some general API information (some intentionally unclear, some more clear) and I felt I didn’t do well. Mainly I was nervous, and felt very pressured just to understand how the different parts of the APIs interact with each other and should be interacted with. This is despite doing this for work and myself not feeling as nervous doing more common coding tests which I don’t do as much at work(thanks to doing examples on hackerrank, Leetcode helping me feel more comfortable).

    So what are the resources I should leverage to practice API integrations? How should I go about practicing? Especially considering that I do need to perform in a certain way during interviews.


    I'm doing interviews for companies that would involve API integrations. I've done a couple now where I was given some general API information (some intentionally unclear, some more clear) and I felt I didn't do well. Mainly I was nervous, and felt very pressured just to understand how the different parts of the APIs interact with each other and should be interacted with. This is despite doing this for work and myself not feeling as nervous doing more common coding tests which I don't do as much at work(thanks to doing examples on hackerrank, Leetcode helping me feel more comfortable).

    So what are the resources I should leverage to practice API integrations? How should I go about practicing? Especially considering that I do need to perform in a certain way during interviews.

    [discussion] Transporting heavy/bulky stuff?
  • Can't provide input on very bulky items, but It seems you don't use panier bags or s front basket. Those helped me do much with most items. Some slightly bulky items as well. Add some old tires tubes (free ones with holes from bicycle shops) and I can hold a lot of things.

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    Trump’s team scrambles after JD Vance’s response to Georgia school shooting
  • Kamala posted sections of the full video, of course showing the bad comments from Vance. Trump posted only once section, but says watch the full video, while claiming all Kamala and her team do is lie. I'm actually trying to find the full speech and can't. Pretty annoying since you know Trumpers will say Kamala is lying

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    Woman describes horror of learning husband drugged her so others could rape her
  • Probably using a group chat or something. I can't imagine he personally knows all 50 of these guys tbh. I hope not at least for the reasons you indicated.

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    Getting the job done properly
  • cool video. How do the attachments work? there's some kind of locking mechanism right? seemed like they just scooped up the attachments into place, but that would also mean certain movement could make the attachments fall off, unless there's a locking mechanism.

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    Steam stuck on logging in for anyone else?
  • It logs you out? that's annoying. I've logged in with the above command. As Emil mentioned, you can log in in offline mode then switch to online mode.

  • Having a unique issue where steam is not logging in for me. Its stuck on the logging pop up and stays like that. Is anybody else having this issue? I'm on Ubuntu, it was just working about 10 hours ago. I made and reverted a change thinking that's what caused it but that doesn't seem to be the case.

    I had to run steam through terminal using the command: steam -tcp and got it to work.

    'Knife fight': GOP panics after 'huge uptick' in Dems’ chances of flipping House
  • What do you mean by this?

    If she does the "now that I'm in office I'm going to start trying to find out if I can do anything" that Biden did tho. We'll get nothing accomplished with those 2 years and lose one or both in midterms.

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    Any major outside of STEM, Law, or Med is not worth going to a university for.
  • Interesting. I think I would agree with you that going straight to a university is more expensive, than doing a CC first. It may add additional time to your schooling, but I think its worth it, depending on the costs for the university. I think I would still say even if going through the majors you mentioned, a CC is a better way to go as well unless you have a lot of money, whether from family, or grants, or scholarships.

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    Microplastics are infiltrating brain tissue, studies show: ‘There’s nowhere left untouched’
  • I mean we're still not certain if that's true. We know that plastic is now everywhere because degradation, but I don't think we know how damaging it is, if at all (i doubt its non damaging but who knows) In addition, burning could still be worse. Time will tell

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    How the fuck do you meet new people?
  • Social events like bars and raves are an option. You'll find people who just want to get shit faced, but also social people. Volunteer work has a lot of people you can interact with and eventually become friends with. Game places are another option as mentioned. Video games as well. If you have a dog, parks are a way to start conversations and meet people.

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    What are some financial life-hacks everyone should know?
  • Budgeting is very important. some people like the 20% of income for saving, 30% for living expenses and the other 50% for everything else. Pre or post tax is up to you as this is a rule of thumb. Important part is that it should be easy for you to build up your savings to cover important expenses. spending 50% of income on housing may be really bad since having back to back years of badluck can screw over your savings, and not give you enough time to save up in between.

    This is a general rule that applies when you make enough to do so. If you're struggling to pay rent, do what you can to remove risk and cut down on costs. One thing that helps is aiming to have savings. Often times, its cheaper to have money up front to resolve emergencies rather than later.

    Car is one of those things that can make sense to remove. If you're commuting one hour already by car, and there's no public transit option then a car is a necessity. If you can take public transit, that could save you money on car insurance, car payments, car maintenance, and possible accidents.

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    Today is my one year anniversary of not eating solid food.
  • To add to this advice, Soylent is a similar food replacement type product. THere are other similar brands that I'm not familiar with at the moment, but those can be some possible options to try if you haven't already.

  • Los Angeles wants a ‘no-car’ Olympics in 2028. Is it possible?

    Karen Bass, the mayor, pledged to make the Games car-free, but the sprawling city’s public transit falls far behind that of previous host cities

    I was a bit pessimistic about this being possible, but to see that we did this in the 1984 Olympics without any light rail is pretty amazing to hear.

    3 Los Angeles wants a ‘no-car’ Olympics in 2028. Is it possible?

    Karen Bass, the mayor, pledged to make the Games car-free, but the sprawling city’s public transit falls far behind that of previous host cities

    I was a bit pessimistic about this being possible, but to see that we did this in the 1984 Olympics without any light rail is pretty amazing to hear.

    9 Los Angeles wants a ‘no-car’ Olympics in 2028. Is it possible?

    Karen Bass, the mayor, pledged to make the Games car-free, but the sprawling city’s public transit falls far behind that of previous host cities

    I was a bit pessimistic about this being possible, but to see that we did this in the 1984 Olympics without any light rail is pretty amazing to hear.


    I literally can't find anything. I have no idea where to look. On the dota client, I can only find stream from as recently as... TI3. I can't see any other competitions showing up. I don't see anything on youtube either that ALSO is a full match. NoobfromUA has matches, but they jump around.

    So my question is, where do I find streams with commentary? The reason is because ideally they'll go into the reason players are making certain decisions.

    5 Friday Metro Transit Updates: Ridership Growing, Service Changes, and Electric Bus Charger Issues - Streetsblog Los Angeles

    Metro daily ridership is back up to nearly a million riders per weekday. Some Metro electric bus chargers aren't working. Metro's twice yearly bus service changes take effect Sunday, including service increases on three San Fernando Valley lines.

    0 Friday Metro Transit Updates: Ridership Growing, Service Changes, and Electric Bus Charger Issues - Streetsblog Los Angeles

    Metro daily ridership is back up to nearly a million riders per weekday. Some Metro electric bus chargers aren't working. Metro's twice yearly bus service changes take effect Sunday, including service increases on three San Fernando Valley lines.

    0 ‘We’re in 1938 now’: Putin’s war in Ukraine and lessons from history

    Some analysts believe Kyiv is buying the west time on the precipice of a world war. Is it being used wisely?

    Interesting article that talks about the similarities between now and 1938, and the sort of lessons we can learn from history.

    51 ‘We’re in 1938 now’: Putin’s war in Ukraine and lessons from history

    Some analysts believe Kyiv is buying the west time on the precipice of a world war. Is it being used wisely?

    Interesting article that talks about the similarities between now and 1938, and the sort of lessons we can learn from history.

    16 ‘We’re in 1938 now’: Putin’s war in Ukraine and lessons from history

    Some analysts believe Kyiv is buying the west time on the precipice of a world war. Is it being used wisely?

    Interesting article that talks about the similarities between now and 1938, and the sort of lessons we can learn from history.


    For a while now, I've been unable to actually view the Volaris website while using Ubuntu 22.04 (In a previous version I believe as well). I've tried Brave, Firefox, and Chrome with the same results so I don't believe its browser specific (as most people use one of those 3 web browsers), which leads me to believe its Linux specific (as I doubt Volaris' website has been broken like this for over 2 years now).

    The website seems to load some background images, but then it stops loading. I'm basically unable to interact with the website in any way. Sometimes I'll get a captcha to even access the website. The workaround that I have found was actually going into the inspector and refreshing. This make the website function again while the inspector is open.

    Any ideas or suggestions?

    6 What are the most powerful climate actions you can take? The expert view

    Voting tops the list for the world’s leading climate scientists in a year when billions of voters go to the polls

    2 What are the most powerful climate actions you can take? The expert view

    Voting tops the list for the world’s leading climate scientists in a year when billions of voters go to the polls

    31 Impact of California Fast Food Worker Wage Increase Still Too Early to Gauge | KQED

    A month after most California fast food workers started earning at least $20 an hour, economists say it’s too early to determine industry impact. While some workers report improved quality of life, others see cuts in work hours and less income as employers adjust to more expensive payroll.

    I’m glad this was passed. Only worry I have is that the the corporations will have the money to take a hit in California. Keep the amount of money they siphon from CA high, translating to higher costs to the CA businesses and, despite the fact that more of their businesses will struggle, use that as evidence that this law should be repealed.

    3 Impact of California Fast Food Worker Wage Increase Still Too Early to Gauge | KQED

    A month after most California fast food workers started earning at least $20 an hour, economists say it’s too early to determine industry impact. While some workers report improved quality of life, others see cuts in work hours and less income as employers adjust to more expensive payroll.

    I'm glad this was passed. Only worry I have is that the the corporations will have the money to take a hit in California. Keep the amount of money they siphon from CA high, translating to higher costs to the CA businesses and, despite the fact that more of their businesses will struggle, use that as evidence that this law should be repealed.
