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Jury defies judge and refuses to convict Palestine Action activists
  • Jury nullification isn't a real thing. It's not a law in any country, it's a "loophole" that springs out from some simple concepts.

    1. You have a right to a trial by a jury of your peers, jurors are protected from consequences related to their deliberation and decisions.
    2. If found "not guilty" the state cannot retry you for the same crime.

    Both of those things are important to avoid tyranny in the judicial system.

    What that means is that if, for any reason, the jury decides to find you "not guilty" even against their "jury instructions" or the law itself, you're off the hook forever. This concept is called "jury nullification" but it's not a law or "feature" of the justice system. In fact most of the time it's been used for very unjust outcomes, for example juries often refused to find people who perpetrated lynchings guilty because a "jury of your peers" in many states was racist AF!

    That being said I LOVE to see it used to refuse unjust laws!

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    Tuesday 9/10 Presidential Debate Megathread!
  • It's not about the people who are undecided between Kamala and Trump. It's about the people who are undecided between Kamala and not voting at all.

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    Tuesday 9/10 Presidential Debate Megathread!
  • It's not about the undecided. You'd have to have brain worms to be undecided when Trump is an option. Undecided right now is like choosing between a stale pile of dog shit and fast food and justifying it by saying "well fast food is pretty shitty".

    It's about getting people to VOTE. People who don't usually vote need to get out and vote. That's it. That's what's going to make the difference. Kamala has to mobilise reluctant voters.

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    French nurse who spent two weeks in Gaza Arrested for speaking out against lsraeli genocide
  • Is insulting an investment and real estate fair illegal in France? Like the cops aren't even pretending they did this for a credible crime!

    ACAB in every country man.

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    General population decline trends in the last years is actually a good news.
  • Yes, but what I think he's saying is that so far the deceased birth rate coincides with drastically increased consumption per capita. Therefore the decrease in birthrate may have no to negative short and medium term effect on total consumption/pollution.

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    What should I do about my brother?
  • The comment about your wife is related to his comments about you beating him and breaking his arm. He's decided you're abusive and are part of the reason his childhood was so messed up. It probably helps him cope with a few things. For example he doesn't feel guilty when he abuses you or your mom's hospitality or generosity because you owe him. Anyways he decided that you're abusive and so you probably beat up your wife worse than he does. It's self protective, if you're worse than him (he assaulted his wife and you kill yours) then he can still be a good guy in his own mind by comparison.

    He sounds pretty fucked up honestly, and his coping mechanisms are maladaptive. If you want to help him, reach out occasionally to let him know you're there. Don't give him money or things or a place to stay. He doesn't see you as a role model, he sees you as someone who owes him Infinity for what you've done, meaning he can abuse you in significant ways and it's all fair in his mind. You owe him for what you did.

    If he ever realises that he's the problem in his life, and that to make his life better he needs to BE better, only then can you help him.

    You can't help someone be better if they don't want to be better.

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    True love
  • I made this to commemorate your first date with your husband, will you marry me and wear this on your finger forever?

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    White evangelicals waver after Trump’s shifts on abortion: ‘It’s disastrous’ - POLITICO
  • No, most religions encourage people to practice stewardship when they're generally going to benefit more from destroying the world around them for their benefit.

    For example, before semi modern times you could generally gain more from cheating and stealing even as a peasant. But society needed everyone to be good to eachother and society itself in order to progress.

    That's the main purpose of religion. That's why most popular religions tell people they'll get an eternal reward later if they live this life unselfishly.

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    AI worse than humans in every way at summarising information, government trial finds
  • Yeah 0- 49% is an F 50-59 is a D 60-69 is a C 70-79 is a B 80-89 is an A 90-100 is an A+

    It means that 10-20% of exams and assignments can be used to really challenge students without unfairly affecting grades of those who meet curriculum expectations.

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    AI worse than humans in every way at summarising information, government trial finds
  • If you miss key information the summary is useless.

    If the structure of the code is bad then using that boilerplate will harm your ability to maintain the code FOREVER.

    There are use cases for it, but it has to be used by someone who understands the task and knows the outcome they're looking for. It can't replace any measure of skill just yet, but it behaves as if it can which is hazardous.

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    AI worse than humans in every way at summarising information, government trial finds
  • 47% is a fail. 81% is an A-... Sure the AI can fail faster than a human can succeed, but I can fail to run a marathon faster than an athlete can succeed.

    I guess by the standards we use to judge AI I'm a marathon runner!

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    City of Columbus sues man after he discloses severity of ransomware attack | Mayor said data was unusable to criminals; researcher proved otherwise
  • Not even that complex anymore, just download brave and "open private window with tor". Then go to the website and download the data.

    Downloading a "tor browser" always sound more "hacker" than it is these days.

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    Young male voters are flocking to Trump – but he doesn’t have their interests at heart
  • Dude I didn't prove shit. I don't understand how saying "men and boys need help" is a critique of feminism.

    I know a lot of people are suggesting to address these things through "feminism" and that these problems belong to the "patriarchy". But fundamentally what they mean is use a leftist approach to deal with obstacles affecting you caused by the existing hierarchy.

    They're saying that because what no one wants is another alpha male Jordan Peterson/Enon Musk style bullshit peddler claiming that men have been harmed by feminism and will be better off if we just restore the patriarchy and become "alpha" or whatever lingo they're using these days. That might be superficially true, but oppressing others isn't the way to get ahead.

    It's starting to become obvious which side you're learning on, but hopefully you'll come over and help fight for men and boys issues in a way that improves society instead of harming it.

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    Young male voters are flocking to Trump – but he doesn’t have their interests at heart
  • .... I'm not feminism man so I'm not sure what your trying to say.

    Anyways "Welcome to the left" i guess, everyone has to identify the systemic barriers holding them back and fight to have them removed. You don't fight alone, we all help and support eachother. But no one can identify your barriers for you, they don't live your life.

    You're coming in here saying "a side effect of the fighting done by feminism is reveal the obstacles holding boys back" then thank feminism I guess and join the fight for boys and men against the patriarchy/hierarchy.

    If you're going to sit here pretending that these problems were CREATED by feminism and you want to attack the idea of "women fighting to remove their obstacles", well I don't know what to tell you, but you're going to be alone and you're not going to get far. We don't win by diminishing eachother.

    For example, you talk about how feminists fought hard to get women into schools and make the education fair for women. Now that women outnumber men in higher learning you're saying feminists stopped, but then you're complaining that feminists aren't fighting for men? Why would they? And even if they wanted to, how can WOMEN understand the obstacles holding back MEN? Feminism isn't well suited for these challenges, but feminism certainly didn't set out to hold men and boys back in education. The fact that the education system doesn't meet the needs of young boys has nothing to do with feminism.

    Now you want to fight for more physical activity, more hands on learning in schools because that's what boys NEED? All the power to you. There are a lot of people fighting for that and you should join. Left wing activists of all stripes support this because we all support eachother and better, more equitable education helps us all. Demand higher school budgets and get physical and hands on learning back in schools.

    You wanna sit here and whine like a baby blaming feminists for cutting school budgets and removing PE, science labs shop classes and hands on tech courses based on no facts at all? Enjoy the downvotes and loneliness I guess!

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    Young male voters are flocking to Trump – but he doesn’t have their interests at heart
  • You're close to getting it but you're not quite there. The patriarchy oppressed men AND women. It oppressed white people AND minorities.

    Feminists, LGBTQ+, and black rights activists have each fought against the hierarchal structure for an end to their oppression and to enshrine their own rights. These people fight for equality, but they obviously do it when they're the ones harmed by inequality. They also support eachother in their respective fights as allies.

    None of these groups will fight on behalf of other groups for many reasons, not the least of which is that they DON'T KNOW what it's like to be in a group they don't belong to. The most they can do is support eachother's fights.

    Unfortunately many of the advantages that the patriarchy offered men was through oppressing others. For example if you were a "manly" man you could attract a "feminine" woman to do chores and raise kids for you. Nowadays women have better deals available. So men are at a unique crossroads, they can work on their own fights: the freedom to express human emotions, the freedom to participate in "feminine" pursuits like being in the lives of your kids, taking paternity leave, fighting for an education system that doesn't leave boys in the dust, among other things. OR they can try to go back to the hierarchal ways of life, adopting the "manly alpha" persona and hoping to find a "feminine" wife to take care of the house and kids. The latter FEELS easier, but success is difficult.

    Nobody else got that choice because no one else thought that taking apart the hierarchy was as painful for them as much as it is to men. It lays bare all of our limitations and removes all the privileges. But if we understand that the hierarchy is what CREATED those limitations and gave the privileges at the cost of operating others, then we know the right thing is to start fighting our fights and stop being left behind.

    It's not feminism's fault we're left behind. Why would women fight men's fights against the hierarchy/patriarchy FOR us, when women don't even live the problems we live. We're left behind because we stayed behind. Because it felt good. Now it doesn't. Now we fight for our freedom from the hierarchy.

  • I saw a convoy of about 30 cars on the highway back in October. I looked it up and found nothing. Then I see a Reddit post in /r/vexillollogy with the same flag and no useful answers.

    It's so weird that people bought like 100 of these flags and there is no info on them at all!

    I flipped the picture to make the flag the right way.


    The laughable Bank of Canada report even includes the line >Why did this increase in markups not contribute significantly to inflation? We show that markup growth reached its highest level because of a contraction in firms’ costs [...] during the pandemic-related public health interventions

    So when their costs go down they keep the prices the same and pocket the difference, BoC report verdict "profit growth without inflation". So what happens when costs go back up?

    >We observe a mild contribution of markup growth to inflation in 2021, partially explained by demand rebounding faster than costs. However, the fact that markup growth fell to zero the following year indicates that firms were likely smoothing out their price increases [...] rather than leveraging increases in market power.

    So when the costs go back up, they pass 100% of the cost to the consumer and keep their new higher profit margins (no change in markup). BoC verdict "the inflation has nothing to do with profit growth". Amazing!

    If industry follows this "price ratchet" mechanism profit margins can go to infinity "without causing inflation" according to BoC. Absolutely galaxy brain levels of economic genius.

    They really think we're idiots.
